Mine had 91, it was also a dealer trade. The up-side was that the dealer I bought from was nice enough to remove the other dealers "tatoos" from the car and delivered it to me in pristine condition.
Looks like I'm the winner (or would that be loser) thus far. Mine had 212 on it when I picked it up 3 weeks ago...approximately 50 test drives.
8 miles. I wont worry about it has 13 miles. after you drive it homw, you wont even remember how many miles it has
i match palmetto 1 mile on the odo seriously I saw it coming off the truck and pointed at it and said "i want that one" the dealership did tell me that toyota did not run some tests on it, and as a result some of the computer stuff malfunctioned for the first couple miles, but it sorted itself out after a while.
Mine had 5 miles on it. Salesperson said it had 3 until he took it go fill it up with gas. It was mine off the truck. I waited 17 days for it.
Chris, Mine came with 2 miles on it. I know that there are a couple of others who have taken delivery on cars with 1 mile on them. Just remember that these cars do have to be drive at least a little bit (from the factory to a storage area, from the storage area to the boat, from the boat to another storage area, from that storage area to the truck that brings them to the dealer.) Could you have gotten it with fewer miles? Maybe. Does it really matter? Probably not. At 13 miles, it doesn't even sound like your car went on a test drive. I'd guess that the "extra" 10 miles may have been to the tint shop or to have that XM radio installed.
4 miles, here. I was pleasantly surprised. A lady at work picked up a new saturn last month, and it had over 50.
ours had right around 4 back in january. it's about to roll 11k in a week or so. hooray for long commutes.
168 - was a dealer transfer. Had a few tiny chips in the bumper too. I got 250 off of list and no dealer BS fees. Clear paint shield will preserve those tiny chips forever.
Mine came with 8 kilometres... Guess that's about 5 miles. Since then I've put another 5200km on it (3250mi) in 7 months. I like my car
Mine had 200 or so. It was a dealer trade and came from around Chicago down to Indianapolis. LOVE IT!!!!!!!!