What's happening to the cutlery set and crystal flutes today is a preview of what is coming for those 0-mile Dodge Vipers and beach condos.
I think the new one is called "Community transmission" but I'm still a little unsure of the scoring and rules.
A Mexican restaurant, all I saw was some football (i.e., soccer.) For fun, I did a quick census: 12 guys verbalizing about the game 4 gals not following the play 1 married couple at one end FYI, first confirmed case reported Sunday evening from someone working at Marshall Space Flight Center. So Friday evening, I was getting hot-wings for me and dinner-to-go at another bar. A lady on the opposite side of the bar reported she swallowed badly and had a coughing fit. She went outside twice and returned to eat her meal and beverage interspersed by coughs. This is the closest bar to Marshall Space Flight Center. If (when) the regular bar tender gets it, spreading will be easy. Bob Wilson
More on topic.... Just checked my IRA, down 17-18% in last few weeks. However, I have 20+ years to go I really feel for anyone who is/was planning on retiring any time soon. But keep in mine, it will rebound. May have to work a bit longer or choose to use other resources and such. Now is a good time to be financial savvy and save where you spend. (if you do not already) It is surprising to me to see precious metals down too. I may look into getting some silver....for long hold.
That is why bars are now (or will be later this morning, in my regions) being ordered closed, and restaurants ordered to close indoor service, to provide take-out and delivery service only.
Note that the stock market has been oscillating wildly on it's way down... ...3 steps down then 2 step up - as if the short term investor was gaming the system and siphoning share value from the long term (retirement) investor - stealing low hanging fruit. The decline in precious metals could be a leading indicator that manufacturing is being cut back in response to the market.
it's a double whammy, first the nose dive in stocks, then interest rates for those living on cd's and the like
My dad told me I should have some annuities. I never understood, because stocks, bonds and cash can make one. should have listened
My wife does delivery part-time.. Some days no one is ordering, other days the business picks up in evenings. No real pattern seen in our area yet. She runs in the medical center / upscale part of town, and opportunities are down.
NC just shut down restaurants. Delivery and take out OK. Theaters all shut. Local country club just issued rule that only one person per cart. Don't pull the pin, hit the flag and you made the putt. Wife's Scrabble, Book Club and Women's Club all shut down. Which is worse, the time I spend on forums or her watching endless news?
Illinois - restaurants and bars are now closed. Restaurants, if they're set up for it, can offer carry out and/or deliveries. UberEats and GrubHub workers are making good coin, but I hope they can get some sleep. I'm hoping that self-isolating people that can't cook for themselves will now learn how to. I work at a food store. The entire load of frozen meals is sold out every day within an hour of opening. Milk, eggs, bread, yogurt, fresh meat - all get wiped out within three hours. And we can't get anything more than what gets to the warehouse the evening before the current day. The warehouse isn't warehousing anything - it comes in one side of the building, gets sorted, allocated and placed into the trailers on the other side of the building then sent to our store by 5am. We open an hour later now (and close two hours earlier). The first two open hours are, well, very interesting.
7 counties out here have shelter in place ordinances: Contra Costa & 6 Other Bay Area Jurisdictions Order Residents to Stay Home :: Press Releases :: Contra Costa Health Services From yesterday, but Sonoma County was added today, bringing the total to 7. My commute today was very quick and the BART station I drive by was the most open I've seen.
Anyone know if these "shelter in place" orders allow us to go out into our yards and, you know, do stuff like gardening or walking one's dog a couple miles away, slowly and then back home? Maybe I should get a dog.
Out here those things are allowed since it is "shelter in place". If they up the ante and we go into lockdown, going into your yard should be fine, but free range roaming will be verboten.
Most I've heard allow dog walking or even outside exercising. Build those lungs, you'll need them. Just keep well away from other folk.