<div class='quotetop'>QUOTE(daniel @ Apr 15 2006, 09:50 AM) [snapback]240137[/snapback]</div> Daniel, I'm speechless that you have selected this gem 'The Widow of St.Pierre', fascinating script, portraying a man equipped with absolute and unquestionable faith in his wife. I happen to like most of Leconte's films although I was troubled with this one in the beginning for a choice of photographic style of in vain of cinema verite. Lovely film and lovely choice! 'Frida' Khalo also great film even though biographical in nature, solidly done. If you ever happen to visit Mexico City, you must I mean you must visit Frida Khalo Museum in Coyocan, southern part of Mexico City. The lovely old house where she lived and painted through her live and shared it with Riveira is quite extraordinary, full of her paintings now. <div class='quotetop'>QUOTE(FloridaShark @ Apr 15 2006, 01:34 PM) [snapback]240209[/snapback]</div> Great films as well, nice to see more Polanski's films mentioned 'Rosemary's Baby' and 'Shakespeare in Love' truly fine film. <div class='quotetop'>QUOTE(tleonhar @ Apr 15 2006, 03:12 PM) [snapback]240235[/snapback]</div> I adore Mel Brooks, my favourite of his is "To be or not to be" but they are all equally fine. What can I say about 'Laurel & Hardy' pure classic!
<div class='quotetop'>QUOTE(dsunman @ Apr 15 2006, 11:19 AM) [snapback]240236[/snapback]</div> I would have used the word "devotion," rather than "faith," to describe the main character's emotion towards his wife in the Widow of St. Pierre. His final act is one of selfeless devotion. I have indeed visited the Kahlo House / museum in Coyoacan. Very impressive. However, I am more impressed with Frida's character and fortitude than with her art. She became a competent painter, but in my opinion, not a great one. She has become popular as the women's lib movement looks for female role models and heros. But her determination and her life are awe-inspiring. I especially liked the scene with the drinking contest and the dance that follows it, though I have no idea if that is historical or fictitious. In Mexico City I was more impressed with the great murals of the "big three' than with Kahlo's work. Anyone who visits Guadalajara should also visit the Instituto Cabañas to see the murals there by Orozco.
There are only 3 films I have ever rated a 10, although, strangely, I would not consider the second two below among my all-time favorites. Fantasia My Left Foot The Bear
The Big Chill and Grand Canyon Truly, Madly, Deeply Bagdad Cafe Mary Poppins Buckaroo Bonzai Wizard of Oz Forrest Gump Bull Durham, Field of Dreams (or just anything with Kevin Costner) And most of the films mentioned throughout this thread.
About a Boy Man on Fire Bandits The Long Goodbye Night Moves The Big Blue Last of the Mohicans Home for the Holidays The Quiet American The Salton Sea Seconds Local Hero
<div class='quotetop'>QUOTE(dsunman @ Apr 15 2006, 07:38 AM) [snapback]240109[/snapback]</div> Keep in mind, though, dsunman, you asked for "favourite". Truthfully, it is rare I actually find a movie I can consider "terrible". It's merely a matter of finding the right "glasses" for which to watch the movie through, and I pretty much find some sort of value somewhere, to almost anything. It also totally depends upon my mood at the time, catch me in a more ponderous state for example, the list may be 76% different. In my case, it would have probably been better to ask if there were any movies I found little or no value to, to which I would have answered with: Jason vs. Freddy Ed Wood Some generic Mexican gangster films for which I do not know the names of.
Bagdad Cafe, as AuntBee mentioned a few posts up is a wonderful, nearly forgotten gem. My all time favorites: 1. Der Himmel ueber Berlin (Wings of Desire) 2. Koyaanisqatsi and then in no particular order Leningrad Cowboys Go America Night on Earth Dead Man Dr. Strangelove Solaris (Andrei Tarkovsky's version) 2001 Anything by Werner Herzog, in particular La Soufriere Nosferatu Fitzcarraldo Aguierre, the Wrath of God Even Dwarfs Started Small (there's just something soothing about watching a bunch of little poeple on a destructive rampage with a cackling laugh!) How Much Wood would a Woodchuck Chuck Lessons of Darkness Fata Morgana Looking for the Wrong-Eyed Jesus Der Untergang (Downfall) Goodbye Lenin! Das Boot Lola Rennt (Run Lola Run) Persona Blue Velvet Eraserhead Airplane! all three Monty Pythons Spaceballs The Ipcress File Funeral in Berlin The Million Dollar Brain The Spy who came in from the Cold If I don't stop now I will go on and an and list dozens more...
Koa (few posts back), thanks for reminding me how much I loved Local Hero! Everything about it from the characters to Bill Forsyth's writing/directing, beautiful cinematography, Mark Knopfler's soundtrack...an amazing little film. It made me want to move to Scotland, even before I discovered that I had Scottish ancestors. Please add that one to my list.
i love movies too. so many to choose from, but some of my favorites according to category are: movies that i connect with way too intimately: paris, texas after hours donnie darko 2046 most beautiful: ma vie en rose all about my mother singing in the rain some like it hot best dialogue: the big sleep north by northwest stomach wrenching: mysterious skin best gangster: pepe le moko twisted but great: funny games, cache and la pianiste (large dose of alienation techniques to please the masochistic viewer michael haneke is my hero) irreversible fun: cable guy imitation of life meet me in st. louis favorite movie in the last month that i've seen in theatre: friends with money (i doubt it would make my top 100 list, but i enjoyed it a lot. if you live in a LA it's a must)
<div class='quotetop'>QUOTE(daniel @ Apr 15 2006, 08:46 PM) [snapback]240317[/snapback]</div> Daniel, You absolutely right 'devotion' far better describes the main protagonist actions. Haven't visited Guadalajara yet, thanks for the tip about Orozco's murals, seeing so many within Mexico City I was quite taken buy this art form, especially Rivera's massive triptych at the Palacio National, truly overwhelming. Another stunning masterpiece of his 'Dream of Sunday Afternoon at Alameda Central' the one with skeletal lady in the middle next to Frida and Diego holding the hand of Catarina (The Skeletal Lady), Riveira was master muralist, so was Orozco and naturally Siqueiros, among many others. <div class='quotetop'>QUOTE(onerpm @ Apr 15 2006, 08:54 PM) [snapback]240319[/snapback]</div> My Left Foot, unforgettable film and Lewis' peformence was as close to perfection as one can get. That's acting! <div class='quotetop'>QUOTE(marjflowers @ Apr 15 2006, 09:00 PM) [snapback]240322[/snapback]</div> I did like it a lot, especially ravishing Nastassja, speaking of ravishing vixens, have you seen Polanski's 'Repulsion' with young and beautiful Deneuve?, btw one of my Polanski's favorite films. <div class='quotetop'>QUOTE(Godiva @ Apr 15 2006, 10:42 PM) [snapback]240367[/snapback]</div> Godiva, you're right he still delivers, very fine film. I can't forget the scene with can opener and pickels. <div class='quotetop'>QUOTE(AuntBee @ Apr 16 2006, 12:06 AM) [snapback]240399[/snapback]</div> Another fine list, thanks for mentioning 'Bagdad Cafe' and 'Truly, Madly, Deeply' <div class='quotetop'>QUOTE(koa @ Apr 16 2006, 05:26 PM) [snapback]240581[/snapback]</div> Nice, few titles I haven't seen, time for more netflixing <div class='quotetop'>QUOTE(Mystery Squid @ Apr 16 2006, 10:30 PM) [snapback]240700[/snapback]</div> I think the premise of this thread/topic is to discuss film in general, as 'favorite film' is subjectively evaluated by an individual. I'm glad to hear that you have open-minded approach to film-making in general despite it's aesthetic merits
<div class='quotetop'>QUOTE(ltu1542hvy @ Apr 16 2006, 10:59 PM) [snapback]240709[/snapback]</div> Wow, what can I say, your taste in film parallels mine a lot. "Wings of Desire" Wenders' masterpiece period! His 'Paris Texas', 'Until the end of the world' (director's 3 hours cut), 'Lightning over water' (last days of Nicolas Ray co-directing), 'American Friend' are my favorite of his that I always recommend. "Koyaanisqatsi" - superb! "Leningrad Cowboys Go America", hilarious hairdos and projecting shoes, have you seen "Leningrad Cowboys meet Moses"? also witty and funny. I practically like every Kaurismaki's film highly recommend "Juha", "Hamlet goes business", "Take care of your scarf, Tatjana", "Man without a past", "Ariel" His filmography is available from Sandre-Metronome in four packs, wonderfully transferred in Sweden all with English subs. http://www.dvdsverige.com/index.asp Remember Europe is Region 2, your player may not recognize the discs unless you've multi-region player. "Night on earth" brilliant, what a set of actors, Benigni confesing and causing Padre's heart-attack in the back of the cab is spasmodic! Isn't Jarmusch great? "Dead Man" another of his gems you've mentioned. "Solaris" you've touched me with this one big time, as Tarkovsky in my humble opinion is one of the greatest visualist directors that ever lived, every film of his is a masterpiece and I always include him among the greatest directors ever: Dreyer, Ozu, Bresson, Cassavetes, Mizoguchi, Griffith, Welles. Werner Herzog, self-thought genius filmmaker a contemporary camera troubadour/globetrotter, I'm also very fond of his films, remember him eating his own shoe? Or dancing chicken from "Stroszek"? "Even Dwarfs Started Small (there's just something soothing about watching a bunch of little poeple on a destructive rampage with a cackling laugh!)" yes, round-abounding car with flames and all those characters (lifted from Browning's "Freaks") truly hilarious, great film. I'd add "Woyzek" and "Enigma of Caspar Hauser" to your list. You can get his stunning box-set of documentaries and shorts directly from him: http://www.wernerherzog.com/main/index_html.ht. Region 0 "Persona" Bergman still alive, what an oeuvre of films, love them all, this one in particular and will never forget Bibi Anderson's little told story about beach encounter with two adolescent boys, so powerfully and shockingly interwoven to the plot. "Eraserhead" and "Blue Velvet" Lynch's milestones! Thanks for sharing this wonderful list of films as this brought back so many great memories!
<div class='quotetop'>QUOTE(Mystery Squid @ Apr 16 2006, 07:30 PM) [snapback]240700[/snapback]</div> When I lived in Mexico I used to watch CMC, the old-Mexican-movie cable channel. Some of those old Mexican movies were a lot of fun. There was one about a lady crime-fighter on a motorcycle that had a machine gun mounted to it, and her sidekick was a male midget who rode a little motor scooter. There were several about "Lola, la Trailera" a lady truck driver who solved highway-related crimes. There were several Mexican cowboy heros, most of whom sang (and quite well). There was Capulina y Viruta, sort of the Mexican Abbot & Costello, not nearly as good as A & C but still fun. And the inimitable, original, never-since-equalled Cantinflas (Mario Moreno Reyes) who was so original that what he did became a new verb from his name (the verb cantinflear). The bad guys in his movies never were killed or punished; instead, they were made to see the error of their ways and by their own choice made good whatever damage they had done. Quite refreshing, such multi-faceted characters in a medium where normally everything is black and white. This weekend I watched THE GRUDGE. This is a really scary movie. No special effects, but creepy as hell.
<div class='quotetop'>QUOTE(palau @ Apr 17 2006, 12:27 AM) [snapback]240746[/snapback]</div> Another superb list that coincides with my taste. 2046 a continuation of "In the mood for love" very fine film, the images of Carina Lau (android girl from the futuristic train) are just breathtaking, as well as Ziyi Zhang and Li Gong, what a beauties. I admit having a soft sopt on asian beautiful ladies. Kar-wai is a splendid director, have you seen his latest short "Hand" in trilogy of shorts "Eros" among Antonioni (still creative) and Soderbergh? recommended. "All about my mother" great film, I've been retrospecting Almodovar films for past several months. Great films. "Mysterious skin" powerful film, ouch. "Pepe le moko" Gabin running around the casbah, great classic! "twisted but great: funny games, cache and la pianiste (large dose of alienation techniques to please the masochistic viewer michael haneke is my hero) irreversible" Gee, I like all Haneke's films and his shock-therapy style especially "la pianiste" and Huppert is great, she is fantastic in portraying deviating characters, what an actress! "Cache" post-apocalyptic was amazing as well. Gaspar Noe's "Irreversible" has guts! You must know Catherine Breillate's films "Fat Girl", "Anatomy of hell" etc, certain similarity to Haneke. Have you seen "Vie nouvelle" by Philippe Grandrieux? If not, get yourself ready for Haneke/Breaillat/Noe/Jodorowsky combined and multiplied. Also anything by BRUNO DUMONT, actually he 's done 3 films so far and each bordering on a masterpiece imho: "Life of Jesus", "Humanity" and "Twentynine Palms". His new film "Flanders" comes out in next few months in France, can't wait! more astute cineasts on PC
thanks for the recommendations, dsunman. i haven't seen fat girl yet but it's on my netflix list. and i haven't seen any of the bruno dumont. but i will certainly be checking those out as well. you clearly have great taste. i forgot to add my favorite documentary: tarnation best soundtrack : 2046 in the mood for love best movie from a book: Tin Drum unbearable lightness of being
<div class='quotetop'>QUOTE(palau @ Apr 17 2006, 01:50 PM) [snapback]240980[/snapback]</div> thanks, fine examples "In the mood for love" soundtrack is so juicy a 100% hit for any first date! "Tin Drum" quite an epic, very challenging Grass' novel and truly brilliant execution by Schlondorff so is Kundera's "Unbearable lightness of being" by Kaufman, both beautiful films indeed. Juliette Binoche paired with Lena Olin what a combination! sorry, I've ommited to give a solid recogntion for "Tarnation", indeed monumental documentary! btw, does your "palau" name indicate the little precious paradise left in the western corner of the Pacific? Are you a diver? as I've heard so many wonderful things about the place, pardon my impertinant intrusion on your personality.
<div class='quotetop'>QUOTE(daniel @ Apr 17 2006, 09:44 AM) [snapback]240853[/snapback]</div> Yeah, unfortunately, I wish this set of Mexican movies was even CLOSE to being as amusing... Yeah, The Grudge was creepy indeed... With horror it seems the less special effects, the more chilling it is, take The Shining for example... Crap I should have added that one: The Shining