Don't forget the view you have. That's priceless. If I lived closer to Maine I would spend a lot of time there.
^ Hmm, I wouldn't want that. My last elec toothbrush (same brand but cheaper model, a gift from our grateful dentist for for my continuing generous support of his lifestyle, lol) expressly said to discharge it completely, once a year. This one had no instruction to that effect, as far as I can remember.
I was reading about a high SEER device from Fujitsu and came across a forum discussing high phantom losses Disappointing phantom load on 27.2 SEER Fujitsu 9RLS2 minisplit | Hobbit adds his two cents here.
just snapped this shot from our master bedroom as I'm typing .... an open window on the water beats 82 degrees any day .
I've got a 1500 sq ft all electric middle 3 level town home : The biggest electric usage is my 2 ton Heat Pump (HVAC) which normally uses more electricity to heat in the winter than cool in the winter. My baseline usage for lights, hot water, refrigeration, cooking , electronics, and distribution charge is about 200kwh/month without much heating or cooling. Heating adds as much as 900 kwh /month while Cooling adds as much as 250 kwh /month. Last time I calculated - I use about 5400 kwh/year with an average of 450 kwh/month of that 3000 kwh/year is HVAC related. If 1 gallon of gas is suppose be equivalent to 33.4 kwh[1] then my 3000 kwh/year for heating-cooling usage equals to so 90 gallons of gasoline per year. My 2010 Prius burns about 2oo gallons of regular gasoline a year going 12000 miles/year at about 60 mpg so technically my Prius is my biggest energy user. Biologically - a gallon of gas is suppose to contain 31000 calories [2] ...way more than most people including me eat in week. [1] Gasoline gallon equivalent - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia [2] HowStuffWorks "Is there a way to compare a human being to an engine in terms of efficiency?"