Yes ago, when we were teen-agers and dating, my now wife and then girlfriend found out the hard way that I am not allergic to poison ivy, but she is. We found a nice spot in the woods, and she ended up with poison ivy on the inside of her thighs and other delicate spots. I understand the itching was something else. Tom
No, not again... still! This stuff takes awhile to get over! granted, it only showed up about 10 days ago, but seriously, I'm all too ready for it to be gone!! Tom, that reminds me a bit of the first time I was stricken with poison oak. Not nearly so much fun, I was on a day hike with some friends, and needed to step off the trail for a bit of relief. Apparently, the bush I concealed myself behind was the dreaded poison oak, and that, along with the several more hours of sweaty hiking managed to completely cover me in the toxic oils. By the time I started to itch, the damage was done, as they say. THAT was immeasurably more miserable that this time!
I found out that among my immediate peer cohort at the office, I'm apparently immune to poison ivy. We found out when we went to a remote fly-in fishing camp in Northern Ontario I already related the story of the hairy evil spider that scuttled across my nether regions as I was using the outhouse. We all decided it was better to go in the bush, than upset the spider any more Everybody but me was in pure agony by the time the float plane picked us up the next week. Yes, those with wives/girlfriends also found out that poison ivy is "catchy" I'm surprised there were no divorces or homicides over that
What you should do, just for fun, is to roll around in poison ivy, then casually walk into the house, up to her ,and waggle your fingers while saying "who wants poison ivy??"
'You know it's spring because...' 7 day-a-week-every-waking-moment working winter is over and it's time to play till October when work will rear it's ugly head again.
The bad news about poison ivy/oak/sumac is, no one is really "immune"... but, like other allergens, repeated exposure makes your body develop a sensitivity to it. The first time or two you might not have a reaction. The third time, maybe a mild one. After that.... look out! Every time you have PI, you have WORSE PI.
Six - no, seven - more weeks of winter for me. If there is a next life, I wanna be a bear and sleep right through tax season.
I'd rather put up with that, than having those hairy, disgusting spider legs scuttling across my "equipment"