Lol, yeah but I've only had mine two months (3/26) and still racked up 3500 miles and 180 hours of on time, using it for work. There literally wasn't a car better suited for the job for the price, electrics have too short a range or too high a cost, and the PiP wouldn't have time to charge but once a day...maybe I could have convinced them to run an extension cord out the front door and charged it between deliveries...
I have 1600 miles on my little chili pepper. I drive 170 miles a day...all freeway with the cruise set @65 with a lot of hills. Chili pepper averages 55 mpg one way, and 47 the other....that is a 51 average for the trip. And it just keeps getting better......oh ya, the a/c is on most of the time.
As the temperature are getting warmer. I'm getting better gas mileage on my C4. This is my latest tank and it should move me up a few more spots on the top 20 MPG list. I wanted to break into the 70's MPG and 600miles tank mark but i took my car into Toyota dealer for them to updated my Entune to version 2.2.0. Those tech guys sat in my C4 and decided to blast the AC to full LOL. Hopefully on my next tank i will break into the 70's MPG mark. Before i took into the dealer pic: After the dealer and at the gas pump filling up with the 600 miles mark:
They left my car running the entire time they performed the 10k service and while they washed the car... luckily I had a fully charged battery and it didn't waste any gas.
I'm right around the 69-70 mpg as well with half a tank, so I'm hoping to break 70 as well. Good luck!
You shouldn't have any problem break into the 70's with half a tank. These PC are great on gas milage. With the right condition I don't think mid 70's are hard to obtain. Once the car breaks in i've noticed that you hardly need to put any effort to achieve 60's MPG. Good luck with your quest for the record .
How about this: 13.72 miles from I26 to Bat Cave, NC on US64. Average speed 55.2 mph. Knowing there was no gas station in Bat Cave at US64 and US74 intersection in Bat Cave we brought a calibrated, (actually a flask, to measure the gas used. Naturally the gage was pegged at 99.9 but our carefully measured addition indicated 156.8 mpg. 13.72 miles and 94 cc's of gas or 0.0875 gallons. Since we measured the intial (and final) fill with an old oil dipstick to get the same level at refill. Figure maybe plus/minus 0.3%). So much for how many mpg's are possible, noting especially the average speeed with the Prius warmed up to start. Thats a score of 156.8 x 55.2 or 8655. there's your gaunlet picked up. And handed to you. cheers.
We already knew it would go higher than 99.9mpgs... there are cars in canada that show them in L/KM... the conversion is much much higher than 99.9 for some of them...
I don't understand all the attitude against people who don't drive marathon distances, the hostility makes no sense to me.
I think the hostility is towards people who act like getting high mpg on a short, one-way trip is a great achievement. Specifically, the I26 to Bat Cave, NC trip has been mentioned a few times on these boards, and it's downhill. Mpg for a trip means nothing unless you're talking about a round trip. Edit: And because tank values (or at least values for a few hundred miles) give much better real-life driving values. I could get 90 mpg on my commute to/from work late at night with no traffic, but that's unrealistic for my regular use.
I don't have hostility towards people who don't drive marathon distances. I have hostility towards him. He keeps saying that his mileage is better because he drives faster, then proceeds to show us a 14 mile trip. I can do what he did without trying... as can the majority of the people on this thread.
I wanted to get into the 70-80 mpg range but I make too many short trips. I wish I could just force the engine to stay off the whole time... and commuting at 10 mph or less the whole time in a 25 zone is not practical.
Just punched a 507 mile 62.1 mpg tank per Fuelly, wasn't really trying so I didn't have the trip meter set for it. Continues to be close to 100% city mileage for work use, so lots of short trips and lots of rush hour...though when those short trips are back to back you sometimes skip the warm up cycle. I still need some more air in the tires, going in to the dealer this month and I'll have them add some then.
Here is my non-stop (except for gas) trip to Bentonville AR from Raleigh NC mpg. Here is the return trip. I encountered terrible traffic jams in KY and that's why my average mph dropped. My overall mpg stayed the same though.
Well I'm proud of myself today. I practiced some of those hypermiling tips from the video on my way back from a few towns over. It was at night and in light rain, so I had my beams on. The ride back was with a lot of hills, and the trip back was overall slightly uphill. I did a lot of that pulse and glide, and there was a 45 mph section, but the minivan in front of me was courteous enough to go 35 mph pretty much the whole way. I ended up at 67.6 mpg for the ride back. So, I'm quite content, and I can sleep happy tonight.
I love that the c makes me appreciate slow drivers and traffic jams. I can get great mpg and not have it be my fault that I'm holding everyone up
I think this is my best so far, 70 mpg. Just got kind of bored today (just wanted to see how my car would perform on some backroads, hills, etc.) and went for 100 miles.
My little 'c' just posted these numbers over at the top 20 thread - calculated at the pump to 114.46 mpg :