A real prius driving doctor Congrats Doc... :rockon::rockon: :cheer2::cheer2::cheer2: :rockon::rockon:
Congratulaions ! My wife just graduated this summer, so I have some idea what it must have been. In the meantime, you may enjoy the cartoons at Ph.D. Comics.
Galaxee, Let me add my congratulations and welcome to another small & select club. It will be a few days, or weeks, but one morning you will wake up panicked that you haven't worked on that dissertation and you have to get cracking - then it will dawn on you: You are really finished. --TK
YES!!!!!!!! Congratulations Doctor Galaxee! (I didn't post this sooner because I just got home from 2 weeks of hiking.)
oh i carefully checked off the graduation requirements list just in case today i submitted the final dissertation, and the grad school has everything they need from me. tomorrow is finally a day of rest.
Well deserved...I hope you take some time for yourself soon to rest and reflect. My greatest congrats. I've been on vacation all week and missed the thread, but thought of you a few times remembering the date of your defense and had wondered how it went.
Hi Dr. N, Congratulations on your newly minted PhD! I'm late to the party as I've been on an extended road trip from AZ to SD to southern CA; covered 3,000 miles over the last week in the 2004.
:cheer2: Congrats Galaxee!!!! We're all very proud of you! Hopefully there won't be too many more of :ranger:
thanks folks... the congrats just keep rolling in i haven't had much time for a break. once my dissertation revisions were in, i had some other writing to do. i'm into revisions on that stuff, and packing up at home. we move on the 24th. apparently the university has accepted that i'm done- they removed the charges for my $$$$$ fall degree continuation fees. it's a little strange receiving things addressed to "doctor" and referring to myself as "doctor" in formal situations, but i think i could get used to it.
Occasionally in some of the resuscitation courses I teach I have a brand new (or soon to be) MD or DO as a student. I make it a point of calling him/her "Doctor." Then I say, "How's that sound?" Generally their response is the same as yours. I'll tell you what I tell them: Get used to it. You're stuck with it for the rest of your life.
we're moving to NW IN. DH, nurse? LOL... oh, that's good. i'm cool with being stuck with it. at least, on a professional basis.
It's been a while since a dropped in for a visit. Wow, Galaxee that is GREAT news. Congrats! You deserve it.