The XGauges can be modified with new parameters. You just enter the new parameters writing over top of the old ones.
I wasn't able to figure this problem out for my Gen 3 either. I said 'screw it' and went on to program other codes. Also, if the code doesn't work, I found that leaving that gauge up on the main screen would cause problems when I went to reprogram, so I went through a process of moving my display gauges to ones that do work before returning to programming the x gauge again. Not sure if that is helpful or not. I also have a Canada Prius, which may mean some codes may not be compatible. Most however, have worked for me (including programming the backup beeping to 1 beep instead of continuous).
Although it's somewhat of a disappointment I guess I can live without it. Thanks for the conformation.
I did a reset but the Xgauge functions remain in memory. The reset only affects the setup menus , I.e. tank size, engine size, etc.. Unless, of coarse, you know something I don't.
I just know that whenever I have had any issues with XGauges that a reset has usually fixed the problem. Good luck and let us know when you resolve the problem.
Thanks but I think I have resigned myself to defeat. After talking with Linear Logic and getting no definitive answers there, I think it's not in the cards.
Well I just got my "updated" Scangauge and a new 2013 Prius Two and I can't get the xgauge for fuel level to work either.
At your fill-up, the ScanGauge can be set on one of the menus to give fuel % usage but it has to be reset every time you fill up. The readings are based upon other perameters rather than direct data from the fuel system. It's calculated, not real time data.