Ahh.. had not noticed that one. Thanks. Hey, you don't you want to translate the whole doc for us do you?
Nope. You guys never had automatic headlights in the Prius The USB stick is for downloading music into the hard drive.
Crap, I would have loved to get the HDD nav but that is only included in the two top models in The Netherlands.
It will most probably be like that all over the place. The navigation option is usually a top model option included only on top model packages.
One extra info: one fellow member of Prius-PT.com tells me this port looks like a [ame]http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Firewire[/ame] (IEE1394) port, not a USB port. It seems he is right! It is not a micro-USB or mini-USB, it is a firewire!
The thing is, I can order navigation with the cheaper models, it just doens't include HDD. Makes the nav a lot cheaper probably. We pay 1150 euros for the nav as an option on the 'aspiration' model.