I agree with Jerry. Toyota OEM wiper blades are far better than any other aftermarket wiper blades I have used on my other cars. On my other cars, I've used Anco, Bosh, Micheline and maybe a few more other brands, some top of the line model that cost more than Toyota OEM parts. Most of them lasted only ~1 year. I had Toyota OEM wiper for 3 years on my Gen3 never changed before trading. The Toyota OEM wiper on PRIME is now 2 years old and still going strong. All this with cars parked outside all the time under the sun during a day and freezing temp with snow and frost during many winter days. Even though they may cost a few bucks more and may not be readily available in stores, it is well worth to order some from a Toyota dealer or from an On-line store.
Sun eats rubber. Those in southern latitudes (Jerry) will have shorter blade life than those in northern latitudes (Mendel). Where you park in the daytime also matters. A south facing parking spot will have more sun on the blades. It's easy to slide in the inserts. There's a small trick. There's a notch in the groove the inserts slide out of and into. Compress the rubber back so the end of the insert is at the notch, then slide it out. The reverse for installing the new insert. I think Trico (also under the NAPA label) has "Exact Fit" replacement blades that fit our cars' wiper arms...28-17B left & 16-17B right. The first number is the length. 17B denotes the wiper arm connector. (My Mazda takes the same connector, different lengths.)
To be fair, ours is the opposite: invariably garage parked, mild winters, low miles. Still, build date was August 2009.