Well if one is say running and locked via the window trick or with the key from the fob then someone would have to slim Jim or break a window to get in the car and yes then it could be stolen BUT only until the veh was shut off. Minus the key fob the veh cannot be restarted. So in essence it would be dead in the water at that point. FYI.
How does automatic climate control work in Prius after cold start? I have problem with it in Lexus CT, fan won't run at all and I have to manually turn it on to avoid frosting on windows when it's cold outside.
The auto setting waits for the engine to warm before blowing. DW keeps complaining about the defogger button that it doesn't work. I keep telling her would you rather cold air be blasted in your face that may fog up the windows more or wait for the HVAC to condition the air a little more before it starts. Wait a few seconds.
I've waited few minutes, and I have to turn it on to see something Temperatures have been -15 to -30 celsius.
2015 definitely has the same mechanical key arrangement as the rest of the 3rd gens - I own one. As for the 2016 (Gen 4) - I have no idea.
Last year I installed a remote car starter and cannot be more happy. It is a Viper unit that also works as remote keyless entry. It works from approx. 2-3 blocks away and is beyond perfect. The only difference between the average car and a Prius is once the car is heated up and you walk up to it to unlock the doors the car acts a little differently. Once I open the drivers side door the car shuts off, I get in and start the car again within seconds and am up and running in a warm car. I haven't really noticed a big drop in fuel economy. The Prius is always worse in the winter but getting 35-45mpg (depending on how YOU drive) when its 0-30degrees out is fine by me. Hope that helps!!!