" Maybe we're both wrong... " A distinct possibility and a good comment to make but we are usually so divergent that it is unlikely. The "truth" may lie somewhere in the middle though.
Thank you. I mean no disrespect to (hardly) anyone, but it's hard to NOT read something that goes against your grain as a personal attack, I know. That the possibility exists that we might look at the same situation and one say "deadly" and the other say "nirvana" is not unheard of. I distinctly remember one night at the bar with my buddy Dale. We were checking out certain "attributes" of the nubile young females walking into the bar. At one point a young lady walked in with a rather awesome pair of jeans on and I proclaimed "Nirvana." This particual pair of jeans had in them the woman he was trying to divorce. He proclaimed "deadly." Yet we are still buddies.