The after sale market is an interesting one. It seems that people lose the iPhones or damage them beyond repair and are locked in a contract so they purchase a used phone which is cheaper than a new one. Many used phones find a home overseas where buyers are willing to purchased a used over a new phone to save money. The phone subsidies are not to offered in foreign cell carriers thus a consumer can buy new for US$600 or used US$275. Many have income that is much lower than the USA I also heard but not validated that the used parts value and precious metals value can make some of these used phones valuable. I also believe Best Buy will drop the price on the 19 the day before the 5S release
3-yrs behind here. Just upgraded from iPhone 3 to 4s and that was free of charge, I waited so long. It would be nice to keep my trousers from falling down (light wt) but why start now? We have the whole family on our plan, so my daughter plans to get the new one.
All fair points, but if you don't ever pay an early termination fee then it doesn't matter. JMD, get the gold one! You could have a Gucci or Louis Vuitton logo etched into the back! Hah. On a serious note, color isn't really too much a concern for me as I use a case.
I voted "no" on the poll because I'll wait till Christmas to get one (or two) as that's when our contracts time out on our 4S'es. We started with the 3GS so our contract cycles are in sync with the S models. The fingerprint feature is great if it works. We'll have time to see how you early adopters make out with it. If not, we'll plod along with the trusty 4S. I coveted and jumped ship when the big screen Galaxy came out. It was nice screen and all but it had many bugs. I restarted it more times in one weekend of ownership than I did the entire two years of owning the 3gs. I'm sure they've improved exponentially by now but we're too heavily invested in the apple system (both apple and samsung's diabolical plans!). The kids have cheap LG sliders as their first phones that I thought would be quickly broken, lost, or stolen but they have proven to be VERY responsible with them ("my precious"). So if they reach and maintain some other goals, we'll probably give them our 4S'es instead of selling them.
Done and done I am just a few miles from CO. We were soaked last night. I watch the rain and think: that much less snow pack.
LOL -- "my precious." I was wondering the other day how the Apple store is going to let people demo the touch ID. I tried to explain my guess to my wife by reminding her that there is "one ring, to rule them all."
Nokia is now going be owned by a USA company, and be an American phone. That company will be Microsoft! I guess Apple will have a American rival.
No. I'm happy with my stupid phone. All it does it make phone calls. I have texting blocked. I love gadgets, but I have no use for a smartphone.
I remember the day when Nokia, Blackberry and Moto ruled the roust. I went from Moto to Apple and never looked back
The iPhone does me wonders in managing and organizing my personal life. It is a small computer that fits in my pocket. My calandar keeps all my schedule in order, my to do list is great for a guy who forgets, my photo album allows me to show friends and relatives pictures if family, my workout app keeps track of my training, I can get my bank accts balance immediately, see if I get a good price when shopping, present coupons, check my stocks and bonds, add to my toll account, check out the movie times, keep my car insurance cards handy, view my gas mileage, make a reservation at a Bistro, watch a movie or TV show, get the news as it breaks, shout out on Twitter, set an alarm to wake up and order flowers for my wife.
JMD, In reference to my comment above about being heavily invested in Apple (phones, ipads, computers at home and work), the interconnectivity among them all helps tremendously with daily organization. One of our most used apps is called AnyLists. Unlike Reminders, it is shareable and editable with others. We can literally be grocery shopping and see forgotten items being added by others at home. The paper list stuck to the fridge is long gone. It quickly learns your preferences so typing out entire words is reduced to one or two letters and hitting "enter". For example, we type "O" and orange juice pops up. For the cooks, there is a receipe section that will automatically enter all the ingredients to the list when you choose that receipe. I don't use this feature much but it's cool when I do. Lists can be for anything, not just groceries. This is truly a very productive app and the only one I openly encourage others to try.
Welcome back, Daniel. I've missed your commentary. I think I am going to switch to a smartphone, and put my long-owned RAZR to rest. I take tele calls at night and have to remember details of them in the AM. I have struggled how to remember when a paper and pen were not handy when I took the call. My solution (we'll see how well it works out) is to sign up for a google number that I will call to leave a short message to jog my memory. In the AM I'll have a transcribed list of the messages courtesy of Google. I mention my use mostly to second JMD's earlier comment that the power of a smartphone is it's general utility. The possible uses are infinite.