Lol. Beat me to it. Here in the UK front licence plates are mandatory and very large. I think there are bigger things to get emotional over.
Take the plate frame off. Get some black bolts for lic plate with black covers and the holes will go away. Will work very well since her car is black. There are other things that can cover those holes and I'm sure any body shop can come up with better solutions. Happy wife makes for a happy husband. I totally dislike front plates. Messes with car looks and aero. Many states do very well without front plates plastered on resident's cars. Should be considered by all states as a cost cutting idea. 1 plate is half the cost. Good luck!
Thanks for all the comments they were great even the funny ones . Talked to the sales man yesterday, I'm bringing the car to the body shop on tuesday they will fix the holes no problem should be done in 3 days. She didn't mind the plate it was that when we took it off the jerk at the N.J. must have put in on with a air gin he pulled the threads through the bumper so you could never take it off . The body shop guy said the have to fix allot of them. As for the little woman she is doing fine now and I wouldn't trade her for the world, cars come and go but your soul mate is for ever, even if she sometimes can drive you crazy.
Ask them to use the ugly a** black plugs they used to cover up the original holes when I had them fix the cargo net issue. Black plugs on bisque interior = UGLY! (Luckily, they are not really visible.)
Buy these bumper plugs: OEM Honda 00-09 S2000 AP License Plate Caps Bumper Plugs Berlina Black GENUINE | eBay Then I know your wife is gonna be sad again b/c the colors don't match and that it's a Honda product instead of Toyota. So go to Toyota and buy some brush on touch up paint for your paint code. Paint that sucker, plug the hole, and be on your way. Depending on how many holes there are, this is how they might look
I comment was "snarky". Sounds like you've found your Everlasting Gobstopper...glad it sounds like it's going to work out...and glad your wife is happy.
Would have done the black plugs if they hadn't pulled the threads 1/4 inch through the out side of the bumper So now they have to repair the bumper
Fulltank, care to chime in your statement? Is there some mandate where you live, lived before or in neighboring states? I started a thread awhile ago to discuss and be educated on this.