Last time we took a trip north past Parts of Vandenberg AFB - where many a West Coast military satellite is launched, it was still available. $150 apparently is NOT what it's going for. Sub $150 value.... not too horribly dissimilar from the value of my childhood memories. The way too often deserved leather shaving strap comes to mind. .
we have a swap shop here in town. i keep grabbing all my old favorite toys for my grandson. more for me than him.
Doesn't begin to compare in what way - performance? technology? total cost of ownership? cleaning up the environment? In what way?
Yet many buyers disagree. Hess moved out of NJ awhile ago. Their headquarters was visible from Rt. 18, but the big Hess sign is now gone. Always was. I think they still put out a truck, but through online now.
Initially, yes. But current Model 3 owners are inexperienced cars buyers, buying sight-unseen and without cross-shopping. That is a limited pool. As the hype dies down and more "regular people" (the target demographic) shop the car, they will be as disappointed as I am -- if not more-so. Your answers are located in the exact post you are quoting
How do you know that? Did you do a survey? I just got my Model 3 about 2 weeks ago. I have owned 10 previous cars. I put my refundable deposit down 2+ years ago. I then checked the car out at a Tesla store, met with a friend who got a Model 3. I test drove his car before I officially got my email to order. I previously had a leased Nissan Leaf and have test driven about 12 different cars, including ~8 EVs while on the wait list and before. Everyone has different needs and wants in their cars. Mike
It sounds like your mind is made up, so no need to address your incorrect conclusions. I hope to welcome you to the BEV family at some time in the near future. Perhaps the LEAF or BOLT will fit your requirements better.
Congratulations Mike! I am jealous! What color and options did you get? Would you share with us what you like best and what you like least? What I like better about the Prius Plug-In compared to model 3. Prius SKS key system is much better for my use (100% reliable) than the Tesla app/key card Prius has fold down rear headrests, Tesla doesn't Prius has interior "sissy handles" over all four doors, Tesla doesn't have any Prius has bi-level glove box, Tesla doesn't I like everything else better on the model 3.
Congratulations Mike! I am jealous! What color and options did you get? Would you share with us what you like best and what you like least? What I like better about the Prius Plug-In compared to model 3. Prius SKS key system is much better for my use (100% reliable) than the Tesla app/key card Prius has fold down rear headrests, Tesla doesn't Prius has interior "sissy handles" over all four doors, Tesla doesn't have any Prius has bi-level glove box, Tesla doesn't I like everything else better on the model 3.
it was LITERALLY the only option available until last month. Fewer than 5,000 Model 3 owners drove the car before purchase -- no survey required, this was spoken in their SEC filings. True.
Really? Last month was July, right? In the Bay area there have been Model 3's at the stores for several months and you could schedule test drives. Sure, not in all locations across the country. But, in all fairness to all the initial purchasers this car has been one of the most written about car ever. It isn't like you had to look hard to find information, reviews, etc. Mike