The 476 turnpike sign under Allentown, I live around there. As I said, it is a nice perk. Personally though, the Leaf wouldn't be a good fit. The 85 mile one is too short of a range for my commute year round. The free charging would help, if I really didn't want to extend the time it took getting home. With Nissan's battery cooling system, I am also hesitant about doing so many fast charges on the pack. The 100 mile range one would work, but the Ioniq BEV will be out before I need to get a new car, and I expect it to under cut the Leaf in Price.
I'm not letting that stop me. Good credit will help me to fake it until I make it at least. This Prius C won't last forever anyway, so...I'm going to need something, eventually, one way or another.
I have near perfect credit 840+ doesn't mean I'm gonna take out a loan I know I can't pay back. Part of having good credit is know when to stop spending money you don't have.
840 plus here... Ill never buy anything new... I'll let first owner take the hit plus I'm Jewish I like to keep my pennies!
Well, on the flipside, if you're driving a jalopy, that might end up costing you more (in lost wages due to breakdowns and the cost of fixes) than buying new (or slightly used). Every individual has to weigh the pros and cons of taking out more debt. Having a mortgage (a debt mountain!), I am thankful to not be enriching the pockets of some landlord and getting nada in return. Did I mention I'm free and clear on the Prius C (I believe I did earlier in this thread)? I just have to curtail unscrupulous spending from here on out. I take it 840+ is your FICO score? I was at 803 a month ago but have dipped a bit. Transunion will dock you if you breathe incorrectly.
Yes FICO score. My 2010 Prius has been paid off 3 years ago. Bought it at invoice with 0% APR. Some cars are money pit some are not. The Model 3 is at least 2 years out before you can buy one with no wait. A lot can change by then. Maybe by that time, you can buy a used Model S P90D at the same price as a decked out Model 3.
I have to agree with your point as I just bought a used S60 to replace both my Prius and Leaf, the price was just a bit higher than what I expect to pay for a model 3. Of course I only have a basic model no options but I have it NOW.
you can't beat that. what were they new, like 60k? i had no idea they depreciated that fast, time to start shopping!
The majority of "lower priced" used ones sell for low $50s. For that price, it makes more sense to buy new at $66k ($58.5k with the full federal tax credit, not including tax on full price, or instate incentives). A lot what used to be options are now standard on the Model S, plus you can't get Autopilot on the cars manufactured before about September 2014. I don't think their prices are worth it on the majority of their used inventory.
That is true...nonetheless, since I reserved in-store on day #1, the wait should be less than most. If the financials don't improve, I can always cancel for a full refund. In 2012, there were no 0% Prius incentives, so I had to sadly settle for 2.45%. I didn't realize at the time how Transunion would penalize me for paying off the car note in March. They docked me 30 points after finally updating my credit report last month with the loan payoff/closure information. Apparently, my mix of loans is no longer diverse enough for them to include me in the excellent category anymore.
Great deals only stay there for a few days. Mine was not even on the Tesla web site, I was lucky. You have to know that in Canada the cheapest S60 is 86000$. In 2014, 1 CAD = 1 USD, now it's 0.75. So a model 3 won't be 35000, more like 50000 CAD$ with a few options. Paying for the leased Nissan until 2018 was worth 10000 CAD$. Leasing was a good start but this keeps getting your money. You can subscribe to the evcpo website for a monthly fee and be alerted on model S that correspond to your criteria.
Personally I prefer not to have autopilot hardware, i don't trust that yet. Someone died last week, he would have possibly died too without autopilot, who knows?
He didn't die last week. He died almost 2 months ago. The news only hit last week. He was watching a movie instead of watching the road. Irresponsible people put too much trust in the Autopilot. There's this guy caught sleeping while his Model S on Autopilot. I hope he gets a ticket in the future if he does it again. It's not even a true "Autopilot". It's just an all speed radar cruise control with glorified lane keep assist.