Our cats are indoor, unless escorted during a stroll in the front yard. This prevents them from hunting, or being hunted by the owls, coyotes, and bobcats in the neighborhood. Ever seen a cat use a bidet ? Amusing Now, if only my neighbors would come to realize that the streets and paths in our state park nearby are not a doggy toilet, and I do NOT care to hear the dogs bark through the night.
<div class='quotetop'>QUOTE(TimBikes @ Jan 10 2007, 03:17 AM) [snapback]373513[/snapback]</div> My taxes pay for the dog parks all over this city, and I don't own a dog...so I ask you, why do dog owners think that it's your right to allow your animals off leash...in a specially designated, publically funded area? I'm not aware of public funds paying for the creation of 'Cat Parks.'
<div class='quotetop'>QUOTE(TimBikes @ Jan 10 2007, 03:17 AM) [snapback]373513[/snapback]</div> Every cat I ever knew went out of his way to hide his poo. They dont like you watching while they poo and they dont want you to see their poo when their done. Thats why they bury it. I think you dont like cats 'because cats dont like you. :lol: .........As for the dead bird thing, If you are a bird and you get caught by a surface dwelling predator, it was time for you to go anyway
<div class='quotetop'>QUOTE(SSimon @ Jan 10 2007, 09:35 AM) [snapback]373619[/snapback]</div> Good for you - very good and thoughtful pet ownership. Wish my neighbors had as much common sense! B) <div class='quotetop'>QUOTE(parrot_lady @ Jan 10 2007, 09:48 AM) [snapback]373632[/snapback]</div> Sorry to hear about your cat - particularly since you did everything right. <div class='quotetop'>QUOTE(fathale @ Jan 10 2007, 04:37 PM) [snapback]373866[/snapback]</div> Nice - burying their poop in my kids sandbox. Real helpful.
<div class='quotetop'>QUOTE(TimBikes @ Jan 10 2007, 01:17 AM) [snapback]373513[/snapback]</div> AMENNNN!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! MAN, I hate cats. I have given serious thought to shooting the strays (ya know, the roamers) but the neighbors would just go get another one. I'm thinking about pepper spray every time I find one in the yard. There are no more wild birds in my neighborhood. Just cats and pigeons. It really sucks. And cat owners don't give a crap. A few years ago we had songbirds, now just free roaming cats and flying rats. Nate
Put Cayanne peppers in your garden - that and citrus odors repel cats...and you avoid legal problems shooting strays.
<div class='quotetop'>QUOTE(naterprius @ Jan 11 2007, 12:22 AM) [snapback]373964[/snapback]</div> Do you remember that scene from Never Cry Wolf, where the guy drinks lots and lots of tea, and then 'marks' his boundaries? The wolves stopped dead in their tracks and took a detour. Do you think it might work with cats? :huh: How do you feel about dogs, Nate? Much as some of my best friends have been cats, I am beginning to see the error of my ways. A dog could be very useful for many things, particularly in purging one's property of cats, and possibly a few owners as well. Of course, being a dog, he/she/it will probably go after wild birds at every opportunity, but hey, everything has its side effects. (Like getting caught teaching your dog to water the fence posts?) :blink: As for the pigeons, improbably, they are putrified at the perfume of good old wd40. Yup, fish oil. Really.
I complained to Animal Control about how I have to have my dog vaccinated, neutered, leashed, scooped, confined in the yard and still pay a substantial license free when cat owners do...nothing. I was told that cats are considered feral and so there will be no laws about any of the above. I think they're delicious.
<div class='quotetop'>QUOTE(Pinto Girl @ Jan 10 2007, 04:17 PM) [snapback]373858[/snapback]</div> I suppose ones taxes pay for a lot of services they never use, so don't get me started. But you are not suggesting that a lack of "cat parks" is an excuse for someone letting their cats crap in my yard, are you? <div class='quotetop'>QUOTE(Godiva @ Jan 10 2007, 09:44 PM) [snapback]373999[/snapback]</div> I guess it guess under the category of "there ought to be a law..." BTW, those are some BIG ears your pup has - but he's pretty cute. <div class='quotetop'>QUOTE(EricGo @ Jan 10 2007, 04:11 PM) [snapback]373855[/snapback]</div> Very annoying - especially the little yappy dogs that bark all night long. Frankly, that's worse than cat crap in my yard. Fortunately I moved away from the yappy dog problem. BTW - I do like dogs - if their owners manage them properly.
<div class='quotetop'>QUOTE(nicos @ Jan 10 2007, 10:02 PM) [snapback]374005[/snapback]</div> OK - I don't like cats, but you are a sick puppy, excuse the pun. :lol:
<div class='quotetop'>QUOTE(TimBikes @ Jan 10 2007, 10:12 PM) [snapback]374007[/snapback]</div> Did you happen to notice the :angry: after the link? OK, I take it back, how about this book: 101 Uses for a Dead Cat (Paperback) by Simon Bond
<div class='quotetop'>QUOTE(Delta Flyer @ Jan 10 2007, 08:32 PM) [snapback]373968[/snapback]</div> Not swerving when one crosses in front of your car is legal isn't it. Having owned cats both indoor and outdoor (when I was a kid) I can say I do like them but not outside. Coming home to the smell of cat crap and urine coming from my front yard is not my idea of "welcome home". As for natural selection. That's BS, a cat is an invasive specie and should be treated as such unless it all of a sudden decides to dine only on other invasive species. I agree the dog barking thing is just as annoying but 98% of the time when my two German Shepherds bark it is because a damned cat is walking the fence. The other 2% of the time it someone elses dog that is in my front yard. Grrr On a side note. I saw a container of rubber BBs in the cupboard a couple days ago and I asked my mom what they were for and she replied; "For the god damned cats that keep crapping by the back porch". Apparently her and my lil 12yr old sister had been snipping them from inside the house so nobody could see. LMAO
I have a cat. Indoors only. De-clawed before we got her. (And she is not the first indoor declawed cat I have had...they live long lives, and don't try to tell me they notice the lack of claws...heck, not to get too OT, but as a kid, my declawed cat, that ran around our yard, was the toughest cat in town). Anyway. My cat? She does not want to go outdoors. I also have a dog, who poops outside, in common areas around the neighborhood, while I walk him on a leash. He does not run 'free', unless it's in the dog park. You know something? As a home owner, who hates his lawn, (Pave it, and then I would have more room to park cars, I say), I don't really care if any dog/cat/animal poops in my yard, as long as I don't have to step in it. Poop happens. Deal with it.
<div class='quotetop'>QUOTE(nicos @ Jan 11 2007, 01:15 AM) [snapback]374010[/snapback]</div> I OWN THAT BOOK!
<div class='quotetop'>QUOTE(Godiva @ Jan 11 2007, 12:44 AM) [snapback]373999[/snapback]</div> fetch the kitty, fetch the kitty...good dog :lol:
<div class='quotetop'>QUOTE(TimBikes @ Jan 10 2007, 04:17 AM) [snapback]373513[/snapback]</div> See the "Birds" (check out my avatar) that roost in OUR yard(s) ?? Canadian Geese. They're too lazy to fly south for the winter 'because the neighbors feed them and such. Yep our manicured lawns DO get crapped on, but it's the BIRDS ... the geese that leave big piles, rather than the cats. I'd WISH the cats could take down a few of these suckers. They'd send the cats running. :^)
Ok, so, cat haters tell me what you would do. I live in the city, and we do have birds and squirrels, but we also have rats. Big Ones. Where there are no cats, the rats kill more baby birds and squirrels than the cats ever do, as well as over-populating insanely and even biting children. If you've ever taken the trash out at night and seen the alley crawling with rats like a living carpet, be glad. We trap and neuter all the cats that come by in cooperation with some non-profit groups here, but we don't kill them. We don't have an over-supply of cats because we don't let them breed, but they do occasionally get a bird or squirrel. They also keep the rats at bay. In addition, we also have Raccoons and Possums, who climb up the walls and gnaw into the attics to nest. The cats keep them at bay too. So, what's the cat-hater solution?