Why are so many people Anti-microsoft?

Discussion in 'Fred's House of Pancakes' started by Maytrix, Nov 17, 2005.

  1. LaughingMan

    LaughingMan Active Member

    May 20, 2005
    Marlborough, MA
    John Lasseter, the man behind Toy Story.
  2. LaughingMan

    LaughingMan Active Member

    May 20, 2005
    Marlborough, MA
    That is incorrect, or at least incomplete. Apple didn't "rewrite their OS." They used what they acquired from NeXT, which in turn was developed from BSD Unix... Apple contains a lot of the lessons not learned from MS's failures, but from the long road that UNIX has taken, including the open source times.

    And you basically said why I don't like Microsoft... " Spyware and viruses are so successful because MS never thought of it."

    MS is negligent.
  3. LaughingMan

    LaughingMan Active Member

    May 20, 2005
    Marlborough, MA
    I'm convinced that it's harder than you think... and i think you're underestimating the problem.

    How do you explain the armies of zombie computers, some numbering in the tens of thousands out there on the net that are all compromised without their users even remotely knowing about it?

    Spam doesn't come from a small number of sources that pummel the entire email population of the net... it comes from tens of thousands of zombie computers out there.

    Whether you agree or not that it's "easy" to secure your computer, the reality is that most people aren't as secured as they should be, and some people already have their computers compromised without them being aware of it.
  4. VaPrius

    VaPrius New Member

    Nov 2, 2005
    Virginia Beach
    2005 Prius
    :rolleyes: When Windows first came out it was blasted by anyone who's favorite piece of hardware or software didn't work just right. MS worked very hard to increase compatiblity. That is the reason they are where they are today.

    They should still be burned at the stake, I just want everyone to be shouting the right reasons. :lol:
  5. Maytrix

    Maytrix Member

    Aug 22, 2005
    Marlborough, Mass
    2009 Prius
    It sounds like though that you blame Microsoft for this? Do you also blame gun manufacturer's when someone is killed by a gun? Or an alchohol maker when a drunk driver kills someone?

    Microsoft could be blamed for more back in the 98 days. With XP (especially with SP2) there's basic protection built in. Plus, most systems these days come with Anti-virus and Firewall protection. If Dell sells a system with bare XP and nothing else, is it then their fault that someone gets a virus? Shouldn't we blame the PC manufacturer as well?

    When it comes down to it, it's ignorance by end users. In addition, the problem was blown up 1000 times as everyone started getting high speed internet connections and plugging themselves right into it. Maybe we should blame the ISP's too?

    I just think Microsoft gets too much blame sometimes and while they deserve some, I think they've also made steps to fix many of the issues. Plus, everytime they add a feature or incorporate something, people get in an uproar since they're trying to take that away from the competition. Had they added virus protection way back when, what kind of flak would they have gotten from that?

    I'll add - How would PC's be today if noone ever connected them to the net? For the most part, problem free. So, let's blame Microsoft!
  6. EricGo

    EricGo New Member

    Apr 30, 2005
    Albuquerque, NM (SouthWest US)
    I just remembered a hilarious spoof written a couple of months ago surrounding the 'switcher' phenomenon.

    This fellow tried out Mac OS X for a couple of weeks, and decided to go back to windows. Among his reasons -- Mac cannot run the programs or have replacements for what he depends on, and uses day in and day out:

    anti-malware this,
    anti-virus that,
    anti-windows fixit tools ..

    OS X is wonderful, and peppered with my favorite shareware, is a joy to use.

    Linux is nice, and is probably my future. I built my first box a couple of months ago. Took all of 30 minutes. Commodity hardware is great ! Drivers in Linux can still be a pain, but as Linux gains presence, the manufacturers will see the light.

    Windows -- is nowhere. Buggy, infiltrated, boring. Yuch.
  7. LaughingMan

    LaughingMan Active Member

    May 20, 2005
    Marlborough, MA
    See my previous post....

    Quick summary...
    #1 Microsoft makes middling software through negligence, which has caused many of the headaches users have encountered nowadays.
    #2 Microsoft is a private entity that owns the most critical and ubiquitous common platform for PCs... the OS. Because they are a private entity, that has in the past put them at odds with their own developers and users. They strive for the status quo, to keep themselves relevant. This has hurt the software industry in the past decade, shifting the focus to just a handful of big software companies that can survive. not a healthy software industry.

    Open source promises to be a solution to #2.
  8. LaughingMan

    LaughingMan Active Member

    May 20, 2005
    Marlborough, MA
    I never said that Microsoft deserved all the blame. I've always said they are partly to blame...

    See my previous post. I think we can all agree that the problem with security really is summed up through the fact that Microsoft makes middling software sometimes. I don't see one release changing all of that overnight...

    But the bigger issue isn't just their poor software, but their business positioning, and how they continue to demand to privately own the platform.

    Edit: I do in fact think Dell deserves a lot of blame for putting out really sh!tty commodity PCs... and I also blame ISPs, yes. Users of course deserve blame too, but you can't argue that they just asked for horrible things to happen to them. Ignorance is a problem, but it's not a sin, and they don't deserve to be punished. you've hit all the points, basically.
  9. Maytrix

    Maytrix Member

    Aug 22, 2005
    Marlborough, Mass
    2009 Prius
    I don't see why they shouldn't - They created it. And I think Microsoft does a great job of making SDK's and other things to help make programming for it as easy as possible. Making it open source would be giving it away and there's no reason they should have to do that.

    Why not apply that thinking to ALL software makers? Make everything open source! I think what people forget, is that open source is a good thing for certain things, but if the majority of software was open source, a lot of business would disappear and a lot of people would lose jobs.
  10. LaughingMan

    LaughingMan Active Member

    May 20, 2005
    Marlborough, MA
    Not all software should be open source, but basic infrastructure should be open and free. Basic infrastructure that Microsoft has positioned itself to own... the result is that it has taxed every single Windows user to use their computers. That's why I think Linux is so important. I'm not saying that Microsoft should just open up their OS... fat chance of that happening... but I think trends will shift toward when they will no longer be relevant in the OS business.

    Think about the internet, and how it has flourished based on open standards and interoperability. No one taxes the internet and the web like Microsoft has done with computing in general with the OS.

    I mean imagine if you got taxed each time you wanted to use the IP protocol...
  11. DanP

    DanP Member

    Jan 1, 2005
    I don't care deeply enough about Microsoft to consider myself "anti Microsoft," but I often dislike using Microsoft's products for two main reasons. First, Microsoft has been extremely lax about security, and this has led to an enormous amount of wasted human effort (creating, maintaining, advertising, and distributing software, the sole purpose of which is to plug the holes Microsoft should not have left open in the first place).

    Second, Microsoft's products grow ever difficult to use with each new release. Word 4 and Word 5 for the Mac were elegant, powerful word processors. Versions of Word since then have grown into complicated beasts that, by default, do all sorts of annoying things I do not want done (auto-formatting, auto-correcting, grammar checking, etc.). If Apple's TextEdit (which can now do tables) could do headers and footers, I think I would abandon Word 2004. Something like the following must be printed in a Bill Gates Little Red Book distributed to all Microsoft comrades:

    "Let features_blooming=1,000,000,000'.

    "If feature='new', then feature='good'.

    "Set novelty_acceptance to 'on'. Set new_features to 'enabled'.

    "Set inevitable_forces_of_history to 'change_in_file_format'.

    "The Enlightened Few (i.e., compulsive upgraders in corporate IT departments) shall pull the rest along with the help of the inevitable forces of history (see above)'."
  12. LaughingMan

    LaughingMan Active Member

    May 20, 2005
    Marlborough, MA
    I think this is an important point... there are a lot of you who think it's not a big deal to secure up your Windows PCs, but it's hard to argue that it's not a waste of human effort.

    Especially if people's jobs aren't in computers, but they depend on computers... so much effort has been spent over the years protecting computers from harm and cleaning up the mess when they become compromised. And a significant part of the problem is design decisions that Microsoft made.

    Microsoft is changing, but I see their turnaround of late as an admission that they really have been lax on security for the last 10 years. Just because they are turning themselves around doesn't mean they are all fine and dandy today.
  13. Maytrix

    Maytrix Member

    Aug 22, 2005
    Marlborough, Mass
    2009 Prius

    Wll, Microsoft is in a unique position. Imagine if Bill Gates bought all outstanding MS shares, privatized the company again and the shut the doors and stopped selling Windows? I don't really think there is any viable solution that could step right in and take it's place right now.

    I see Microsoft as being similiar to the power or phone company. Up until very very recently, you've never really had another choice for either of those.

    What I find interesting is why noone has built anything to compete with it directly? Would it break patent laws or something if someone made an OS that could run apps designed for windows? Until something like this happens, Microsoft will continue to rule the desktops.
  14. LaughingMan

    LaughingMan Active Member

    May 20, 2005
    Marlborough, MA
    The power and phone companies? Funny... both of those kinds of companies are heavily government regulated... the phone companies, they were once a huge monopoly just like Microsoft, and the government broke them up...

    Funny that it didn't turn out that way for Microsoft...

    Linux running Wine does just that... It's just a matter of time. Linux needs a lot of work before it becomes the everyman's operating system.
  15. VaPrius

    VaPrius New Member

    Nov 2, 2005
    Virginia Beach
    2005 Prius
    Yes, they do make mediocre software like most other companies. Overall, they have helped far more than hurt the IT industry. Yes, MS is often at odds with their developers and users -- just like every profit seeking company in the world. As for open source, it promises nothing of the sort. MS strives to be relevant by adding needed features (real or imagined). With open source, you have to write your own new feature or wait for some kid ;) without a date on friday night to write it.
  16. LaughingMan

    LaughingMan Active Member

    May 20, 2005
    Marlborough, MA
    Humor aside... the point isn't that Microsoft introduces new features into it's products... it's that the basis of all of it's products, the Windows OS, is technology that is quite old and long matured... it is essential infrastructure.

    I'm willing to bet that Microsoft makes few changes to the kernel of Windows... XP is very similar to NT and 2000 at the kernel level, which is why it was such a big deal when the NT source code was leaked a few years ago. The features that changes sit above that basic infrastructure.

    But yet Microsoft continues to make a killing selling us this core infrastructure.

    It could be done better. Look at Linux for example. The kernel is wide open for everyone to see, and taking an analogy from security, public key security is almost always better than private...

    I'm not talking about everything needing to be open source... but things like the OS kernel should be.
  17. VaPrius

    VaPrius New Member

    Nov 2, 2005
    Virginia Beach
    2005 Prius
    I don't entirely disagree. But I have to be honest, I like the fact that I impact a company's financial wellbeing if they don't make a good product. With open source I lose all aspects of control unless I write the software myself -- and I love to code!
  18. LaughingMan

    LaughingMan Active Member

    May 20, 2005
    Marlborough, MA
    Well the current state of things, Microsoft has made it fairly difficult to "vote with your dollar"...

    I don't like Microsoft very much, I don't like their OS, yet I have Windows on my gaming PC... why? because I don't have a choice if I wanted a gaming box.

    I still voted with my dollar when I bought a Mac however.
  19. jkash

    jkash Member

    Nov 26, 2003
    West Hills, CA
    2004 Prius
    I was not an avid Microsoft hater until they stopped allowing Mac users to access their videos on MSNBC.com. There was no reason to do this as Windows Media Player works fine on the Mac. You must use Explorer and a windows based machine. As FireFox takes over the browser market, I wonder what they will do.
  20. Maytrix

    Maytrix Member

    Aug 22, 2005
    Marlborough, Mass
    2009 Prius
    Isn't Apple just as bad sometimes? When the ipod first came out, you could only use it with iTunes. I'm not sure if that's changed now, but it was one reason I never bought one.