Spunky, Let's have some Prius-sized sheets made up---and sell 'em. We could put the leafy car logo all over them. (Hmmm. Actually, a stadium blanket-sized Prius comforter might NOT be such a bad idea...) B)
I fail to see why you would expect us to come out of the woodwork. Just because we believe that people should be free to self-govern (to a point), we don't necessarily believe that means "selfish" and "inconsiderate".
The reason for the higher prices in Europe is taxes. When currency and measurements are converted, the $5.38 that Britons were paying for gas last week included $4.16 in taxes. Rates are similar throughout Europe. The average total tax on gas in the US(state and federal) is $0.27 per gallon.
jburns- Yupp you are sooo true about that and the worst part is taht you gotta pay VAT on top of the taxes??? Which sick political idiot invented this??? That's the way it works in .se atleast... /Zappa
Where is all the screaming now that gas price has PLUMMETED. Today in Dayton OH it is 2.259. Where are the congressional hearings! This is not acceptable!
Vacaville, CA: finally dropped the last week from $2.85 to $2.65 (both prices Costco; ARCO at $2.69 today). Bay Area prices .10-.20 higher. It's a looooooong way back to $1.50. Check oil company earnings/profits for the third quarter, and for the last quarter (out in Jan.). Obscene. Vehicle fuel and heating oil should be legally declared a public utility, with regional and state P.U.C.s, as was proposed by the Democratic candidate for Governor in the special election. Then, at least, if there had to be an investigation, we might have a glimmer of hope of discovering and punishing wrongdoers. The way it is, they're beyond our reach. Vehicle fuel long ago became just as essential to consumers and businesses as electricity, natural gas and water. Rates need to be set by elected representatives or their appointed boards/commissions. Then there's OPEC. Supply-and-demand capitalism? Hardly.
The question is why are gas prices so LOW? Gasoline is $2 Liter ($8 gal) in Europe. We are clearly spoiled and not thinking or acting long-term. Gasoline should be $10 gallon with the "extra" going to infrastructure investment (light rail, high speed rail, bicycle and walking paths, hybrid buses and trains) so as Peak Oil takes a greater hold, we have constructive alternatives. Individual vehicle use is not sustainable. Diesel is a carcinogen and truckers are complaining of high cost. We need greater emphasis on use of trains, with trucks used between trains and cities (not as traveling warehouses on Interstates). We need greater efficiency in everything we do. Higher energy conservation in every building (home, office, school, church), decentralized power on every roof (solar, hydro, wind). Students can walk and bicycle to school, we don't need yellow buses everywhere. Bring on the PHEVs that do not idle and recharge at home. Gasoline prices only appear to be "high" because we choose to be inefficient.
The higher gas prices in America are a good thing. For once, Americans are actually paying attention to MPG ratings. Sure, it's expensive. But in the long run, the air will be cleaner.
Read in the paper today that the last time gas price was this high was back in 1981, with an inflation-adjusted price of $3.41. Guess we're seeing a new record.
Just for reference, "gas" in Perth, Western Australia has reached a "record high" of 152.9 cents per liter. At an exchange rate of one AUS dollar buying 0.93 US dollars, that puts it at 142.2 US cents per liter. According to onlineconversion.com, 1 US Gallon (liquid) = 3.78 liters. So, the current price of regular gas in Perth (max) is USD$5.37 a gallon!!! Our cheapest price today is 138.4cpl, which works out to USD$4.86 a gallon. These are metro area prices too. If you go out to a country gas station (hard speaking US!!) you can expect to pay up to 177.9cpl or USD$6.25 per gallon. From where I sit, fuel prices in the US look pretty good! At least it's not as bad here as it is in the UK.
Well what I'm still trying to figure out is why our gas price in Canada is so much higher than the US and we're the #1 importer (exporter?) of oil to the US!! As far as I'm concerned, gas is CHEAP in the US. The title should be "Why Are Gas Prices So LOW?" LOL