Thanks for thinking of me. Despite what my kids will tell you, I am a patient man. Although at times (usually after filling the tank on the daddy-mobile) I start whining about wanting "my prius". :lol: Okay, so maybe the fact that I maintain a spread sheet plotting my location on the waiting list (including a projected "delivery date") is a little obsessive. Chris P.S. According to my spreadsheet I should be down to number 0 on the list on Nov 5th. But that may just mean that mine in on the boat and heading to L.A. And I don't know how many blues are ahead of me, and and and. Oops, starting to obsess again.
Hey Di! I was sorta hoping you'd share a little 411 in this thread. How are you perceiving the backlog..I know you're not really representative of the main areas of the US, but a general gestalt of how the cars are coming, vs new names added to list, etc....
Crazy days are here again Hi Evan! Yes, the allocations are up but then again, so are the orders! My list is not anywhere near as bad as it once was.... after purifying and discovering I had about 100 too many ON that list -- and allow me to share that after a lot of investigation and discussion with many, there's a large scope of people who went ahead and bought at over MSRP in many different dealerships (not just mine!) for cars sooner. The ratio of those is amazing. It fuels my theory that the car was and still is underpriced in public perception, and the MSRP is not really a yardstick to gauge a good deal by. The wait time is, really... that's how Prius buyers feel as a whole. My wait list is not as bad as it COULD be, but as soon as the publicity's out there that the carpool lane's an absolute (and not just a possibility) for those in Prius solo, the orders will hit the roof. I'm still filling orders for cars from last Sept/Octo/Nov right now, and with that many people still waiting, I have found that rather than being flexible, folks are digging in their heels and saying "since I have waited THIS long, I'll keep waiting till I get a ___ one with ___ package." That's understandable! FYI: I have a 5-6 month wait now, at best, considering how many cars we are now getting, so anyone still waiting that's wanting a car, you have a pretty good shot here by adding yourself to my list as well. I mean, why not? It can't hurt! That is my order form, so go for it!
We have only been waiting since Sept. and I do have a specific package and color chosen. That may mean a longer wait. Purchase is at MSRP in Lansing MI I decided to check with Sams Club this morning and they referred me to another dealer where I "MAY" be able to get one cheaper. Probably not as soon though as the one promised. I did get my keychain though. Now only need the keys.
Chris... I think you should have ordered from the Lovely Lady Di... instead of that that hairy leged guy... at least she'd e-mail you when your Prius was on the boat.... :lol: here is the shipping link... Bob Andersen
Had I known of about the Empress of Prius when I ordered, I might have done just that. But to be fair, my dealer says: "As soon as I see your vehicle show up in 'A' status (on the ocean en route to port of L.A.) I'll confirm and the dates will start to fall into place then." Overall, I have no complaints about working with Stevinson. Just an observation, but I think that the different dealers play their waiting lists differently. For some being on the top of the list means "it's on the lot, come and get it!" For others it may mean "your's is on the way. Clean out the garage so you have a place to park it." Chris
There's a legitimate medical name for those who get their Prius ONLY so they can use the carpool lane, regardless of others' needs: Carpool tunnel syndrome :roll: Sorry! (I waited longer to get my deposit back from dealer A than I did to get my Prius from dealer B - keep trying!)
Chris, I was at the barbers the other day for a haircut and Prius meeting, as my barber was the owner of the first Prius in Denver and now has a 2G car... another customer arrived and with three Prii in the lot we had more than Prii than any dealers in town.. George, the barber, got his at MT. States... Gene, got his at Stevenson's West and had all kinds of nice things to say... but he has his..... When my salesman told me my wait would be 30-60 days... I put for sale signs on both my truck and Sherry's car... sold them in the 30 days from the driveway.... had to drive my '51 Ford for the remainder of the time... haven't driven the '51 since I got the Prius...
Bob - when I ordered mine back in April, my salesman didn't even bother with an `04 model. He went right for the `05 and told me the wait would be 6 to 9 months. Looks like he's right on target. So, just out of curiosity, does your Prius driving barber give discounts to his Prius driving customers? :lol: Chris
he's pretty cheap to begin with... I think I pay $7 or $8 bucks... need the Prius for the trip as he's on 84th and Fox.. and I at 30th and Sheridan.... you'd think I could find a closer barber...NOT I talked to Heath, the Internet salesguy at Stevenson's in June he was out a year at that time... and shortly after told me that they were dropping the list ... as they had sold their allotment of 05's... and were talking 06's.. I had already put my deposit down at Burt..
Just checked in with Burt (Denver) yesterday. I'm now down to 27 on the list (started at 86 in late May); with 12-16 now coming in each month, I should have about 2 months left. When I ordered, I was quoted a 6-8 month wait. Another two months will put me at a total 7 month wait. Prius for Christmas??
Sounds like a reasonable request. Maybe the salesperson can put just a bow on it for you, it would take too much wrapping paper.
I picked up my Seaside Pearl 2005 last night. Since I am now a member of the "family" I thought it timely to make my first post. I've been hanging around reading other posts for three weeks. I was on several waiting lists at local dealers who estimated 2-4 months for delivery. I signed up on Brians' list at Toyota Town in Stockton, CA three weeks ago. He told me he'd call "soon". I was out of town last week and out of cell phone range. When I returned there were 6 messages from Brian telling me he had a BC package Prius that another customer refused. The messages were 4 days old. I left a message for Brian telling him that I had sadly missed a golden opportunity. Twenty minutes later, Brian called with the news that the Prius was still available and selling at MSRP. I told him to mark it SOLD. I am a very happy PriusChat member.
I'm still #39 on the list at my local dealer. He's now satifying orders from last December. *sigh* I've thought about multi-listing, but I don't think there are any better dealers in this state, and I don't like the idea of buying out of state.
[font=Arial:d03788534e]I just checked and I am now number 21 at my dealer in San Diego. I'm waiting for a #BC package that I ordered on April 14. Based on the rate the seem to be arriving, I expect to be included in the second allocation in November or the first in December.