Time to break out the fine wine. I just hit 50mpg/gal A lot of it has to do with the weather though. Ever since it started getting warmer, my fuel milage has gotten much better.
54.8 indicated, 51.8 true. 10% Ethanol gas. My tires are Michelin Energy Tires at 44 psi of nitrogen in all 4 tires with about 15,000 miles on them. I have them rotated every 5,000 miles at Costco, and I should get at least 60,000 miles. Yes the do roll very easy and contribute 2-3 MPG. alfon
what is grill blocking and how do I do that? I drive extremely conservatively and I still avg 42.1 mpg in texas>? Temp outside is mid 90's already...
Blocking the grille is putting something in front of, behind or in the grille to reduce engine heat loss and to help w/the faster warmup, when fuel consumption is high. I currently block my grille as my drives are short (<5 miles, each way, sometimes as little as 2 miles) and at some points, it's cold out. In December, we had frequently had sub-freezing temps. I also have a ScanGauge with which to monitor my coolant temps. I would NOT block your grille when it's 90 degrees out, at all.
Thank you for your post. Just have "bolded" nitrogen, to remind that has no advantage... TYRESAVE: Tyre Inflation with Nitrogen http://www.gmfleet.com/pdf/TechTip_0106_TiresNitrogenGas.pdf
My best performance was 2.9 l/100 km driving like a baby, lots of pulse and glide = 75 mpg, tailgating trucks, over a stretch of 150 km/100 miles with a fair bit of down hill and little uphill. More typically driving like a baby I get 4.5 l/100 km = 54 mpg. Worst case I got 30 mpg 8 l/100km - -25 degrees out and driving it very hard.
I've been averaging 52mpg, and that's traveling up/down from the mountains where I live to the valley. On the flat, the car gets about 56mpg. I love it!
340.2 miles indicated at 53.3, calculated to 50.685 MPG's. Temps were in the mid 40's to mid 50-s. I have noticed no difference in ECO or Power Mode as far as MPGs go. Maybe with the ac on it would make a difference. Of course at 50 degree temps no ac is needed. This is with my wife driving about half the distance with this tank, she does not drive for MPG's believe me. When I drove for 200 miles the guage indicated 59 MPG for an estimated 55-56 MPG's true. Note: the MPG guage is off on average after 27,000 miles about 3 MPG. Valvoline 0W20 synthetic oil with 4qts in the crankcase, so not overfilled. Michelin Energy Saver tires, 195X65X15 with 44 psi of nitrogen in all four (Costco purchased nitrogen is free there). Tires are well broken in now with about 15,000 miles. Alfon
With the warmer weather in NC getting in to the 70's and low 80's, my mpg has returned to the 50+ mpg mark. Last week we had an unusual hot spell and the temps got into the 90's for a few days. My mpg fell off by about 1.5 to 2 mpg due to the hot weather and the use of AC. I have read a Bob Wilson post where it seemed that about 80 degrees F was the warmest weather that the Prius liked before the mpg began deteriorating again. This week it is in the low 60's in the morning and low 70's in the afternoons. My mpg has crept up to about 52 mpg this week. It looks to me like the "sweet spot" for mpg is in this neighborhood, 60's and low 70's. This is cool enough where AC is not needed in the afternoon trips.
Coming up on the first anniversary of buying Serenity, 18,500 miles. Lost some MPGs during the Maine winter, but have been showing an increase since March. Last few fill-ups have exceeded 50 mpg, which is starting to bring up my lifetime average.
I'm a little over 300 miles into my current tank and the display has me at 54.3 MPG. Last year when I was still manually calculating at fill ups I found the display to be optimistic by ~ 2 MPG, so I figure I'm pretty close to 52 in reality. Over the winter (Seattle, so temperate but wet) it seemed to drop to around 48/49 on average on the display. Now with the temps getting back into the 50s and 60s it is nice to see the numbers creeping back up. My drive is almost all suburbs/urban, I rarely drive the freeway. My Trip B is cumulative and is at 52.5 for 9500 miles - so my "true" average is right around 50 give or take.
I have 7500 miles so far on my 2010 and I am averaging a calculated 51.5 mpg over that distance. This is with mixed driving in the last six months. I have found that speed, distance, temperature and weather conditions are the biggest factors contributing to mpg. Overall, I have to say that I am very impressed with my Prius. It has been trouble free and has performed well in a variety of driving conditions.
My trip B gauge just rolled at 10,000 miles, but the cons mpg continues to average from last reset, or never reset, so with about 11,454 miles, the cons shows 53.9 mpg probably 51-52 actual.
After 8484.8 miles average 47.903 mpg. Purchased end December 2009. Tires: 41/39 psi set earlier this yet so probably higher now unless the dealer reset the pressure. I have a 75% lower grill block. It was 100% in winter. With the warmer weather my wife was getting a bit over 50 mpg without trying: Power mode, PSL to PSL+5 , normal acceleration. Last two tanks, mostly with my driving (Eco mode, gentle acceleration, timing lights and yields, <= PSL on 2 lane, PSL 1 lane varying with slopes with nobody following) have been about 55 mpg with effort. Morning commute traffic is significantly lighter than the evening commute. On Current tank, with more effort was MFD 65 mpg after 200 miles. But my wife drove it on a couple of short trips this evening so it fell back to the 63s. We have a 78 mile round trip to come tomorrow (wife there, me back). Then I'll have 4 or 5 commutes before I need to fill up. Hopefully I can get it back up and get my first 60mpg at the pump. But after this I'll be less "aggressive" in my economical driving for a tank on my Interstate commute and see how it goes. (I'm currently rpm 1400s/990s/coast if traffic allows or maintaining a low (50-55) speed if traffic comes close behind me so my Interstate driving is averaging low 50s mph with PSL 65. Few cars get stuck behind me since the slow speed allows early recognition and fast overtaking, but after this tank I'll cruise (uphill with 2-lane traffic around) at a steady 55mph and ignore rpm). I'll be happy if we can average 50mpg annually. I'm sure this year's mild winter helped: mileage jumped from low 40s to mid 40s in early February. (Central Maine, our driving is mostly 65mph I95 or 45-55mph highways.)
What were you expecting and why? If you want fuel economy help, please start a new thread and answer the questions at Fuel economy complaints/queries? Please copy, paste & answer these questions, esp. if you're new.
Saturday 15 May. Pewaukee, WI to Muscoda, WI. Cruise set between 55-65 mph, depending on road. Normal mode used. OAT ~65°F, climate control set to full AUTO at 70°F. Tire pressure at 39 psi all around. Just drove the sucker & enjoyed the scenery and the ride.
The first shot is the current tank. The second shot is the overall highest mpg for entire tank 536 miles.