I have always loved white and my last 4 cars have been white and contrary to popular belief I find them very easy to keep clean. In the UK we have the pearlescent white, but also Pure White which mine is. I prefer the flat white as it always look brilliant white whereas the pearlescent needs to be very clean to get the best from it. I like the contrast between the black trim and the white too and get the chrome pack to add a little bit of pizzaz
Living in the northern climate, my choice has been always darker color. Anything that will absorb heat is good. Also with winter salt and spring mud, I like the color that does not require much maintenance to keep it clean (looking). Never had white or red cars. Mostly blue, gray, or silver. Oh, we did have a minivan in dark purple. My wife's choice. I like magnetic gray on my PRIME.
I live in a desert, so black is a big no for me. MY '16 is a pearlescent white, but I bought used, and that happened to be the color of the car I found. If I go new, I will still likely get a light color, because desert. With that said, I love blues in the cobalt spectrum, so I wouldn't turn that color down, Bob help me!
The first Prius I inquired about turned out to be Pearl-whatever-it-is, and I decided that that was a no-no for snow country. We had just had a darkish-blue car and decided that we wanted a change, so we settled for the dark grey.