AWD is less efficient than 2WD, but you get better traction and cornering. Most that get it do so for poor weather. The Tesla also gets more power through different motors and a bigger battery. You can still take long trips with the SR, it just means more charging stops. There are performance advantages to larger wheels, just something most drivers would notice. They do lower efficiency. Mostly by adding weight to the worst spot you can. Some markets required posted economy ratings for different sized factory wheels. The smaller Tesla wheels might also have have an aerodynamic advantage. Tesla's site used to a range calculator that included different wheel sizes.
maybe you could sell the wheels? anyways, good luck with your purchase, sounds like it's going to be fun!
Thanks @triggerhappy007 for posting one of them since I've forgotten where I noticed all the new Model 3 owners posts that I had little or no interest in. I also couldn't find old posts or youtube videos I'd seen that I was interested very interested in. I've since found clues connecting youtubes to new accounts and new models. but it want't easy.