when you replace the battery

Discussion in 'Gen 2 Prius Technical Discussion' started by mattpopp, Jul 2, 2008.

  1. jayman

    jayman Senior Member

    Oct 21, 2004
    Winnipeg Manitoba
    2004 Prius
    I would request the Moderators no longer ban any Cummins dumbass who joins. It really is too easy to make fun of them, and it's great entertainment. I know if I tried to join those retards, I'd be booted after one post.

    So here goes

    Americans always whine about their energy problem. The redneck, hillbillie, white trash Dodge Cummins owner listens to every discredited POS that Rush et al claim, eg Prius battery lasts 10,000 miles, costs $7,000 to replace

    So, Matt, pay attention. I'm throwing some of your own quotes

    I have a good follow up for yall. Me and my girl was in Austin Tx this past weekend. As most of yall know that is Texas's hippie and limp wrist city(very liberal). I was on 71 and i needed to get on to I35. Well the exit was coming up pretty quick so I had to get over pretty quick and i was using my blinker to warn people that my 8300lb truck was coming over. Well this arse munch and his wife(late 50's) decided that they did not want to be behind me. so they speed up when they saw my blinker. I did the right thing and took the spot that I was after. (Mind you they had New Mexico plates(just saying they where from out of the state) and she had on a tie die shirt, hippie). So anyways they came around me in the cowboy lane with a very upset attitude. Also they are in a convertible with the top down. So I did what I had to do. I turned the PMT to extreme and the MP8 to 100%. Once we got on I35, I politely pulled in front of them and gave them a good ole TEXAS F@$k YOU with a dark cloud of Smoke(A few Times). Needless to say he gave up trying to to cut me off"

    I would pass a law that fined outright $10,000 for blowing black smoke like that. Plus confiscate and crush the truck. If hillbillies want black diesel smoke, move to a third world country and leave us alone
  2. jayman

    jayman Senior Member

    Oct 21, 2004
    Winnipeg Manitoba
    2004 Prius
    So Matt, say in that cloud of toxic diesel exhaust, that woman had hit a curb, been thrown from the bike, hit her head on the curb, and died. Here in Canada, you'd be dinged Vehicular Homicide and spend the rest of your Texan life in jail.

    But you're such a man, you didn't dare stop and have a polite chat with her. You hid in your POS

    Hell I almost forgot. Just about a hr after that(We went to go eat right after the Hippie in the convertible) and finding the restaurant, which my girl was giving me directions to a place she did not know where it was at. We where driving through Austin (South Lamar, Hippie Section) and there are lot of people that ride bicycles which is find, I have no problem with that. It gives girls great legs. But what i had a problem with it DUMP CHITS. We have side walks for a reason, We have marked bicycle lanes for a reason, and We have Streets for AUTOMOBILES. This dumb girl gets off of the side walk and pulls into the lane that my 8300lb truck was currently occupying. Because she felt safe on her 2 1/2 lb Huffty. Lucky for her my PMT and MP8 was still turned up. Now at this point she was on a city street riding 2 1/2 lbs of 5 Star crash rating beer cans in a DARK CLOUD of SMOKE and she could not see where she was going. Some peoples kids. I am sure glad my parents let me play with guns at a early age."
  3. jayman

    jayman Senior Member

    Oct 21, 2004
    Winnipeg Manitoba
    2004 Prius
    More BS and outright lies, but that's ok, all approved by Texan right-wing bible thumpin' hypocrites

    "Hell i have never noticed that, Those little cars make me sick to my stomach. Its sicken that they really believe that our cars and trucks pollute the world. Our vehicles here in the USA contribute to much less the 1% of the pollution. Most of those people don't realize what the rest of the world dumps in to the air. Why sacrifice your happiness and drive a car that you will die in if you get into a wreck. There is no way in hell that i would put my family in one of those coffins on wheels, just like the smart car that came over from Europe. What a freaking death trap. These are the same people that put a animal on the same or higher level then another human. "

  4. jayman

    jayman Senior Member

    Oct 21, 2004
    Winnipeg Manitoba
    2004 Prius
    I think he's running out of material

    A person is doing good, and you sure as hell are not saving the planet by driving a Hy-Breed Joker. What a sales gimmick.

    The Jeep Cherokee diesel gets 40 mpg. A honda Civic gets 35 MPG. Which one would you put your family in. That's a shout out to the hippies"

    Matt, quick question to the high school dropout Texan oil rig worker: when y'all gonna clean up the mess you made at Sudbury?
  5. bbald123

    bbald123 Thermodynamics Law Enforcement

    Nov 13, 2007
    Harrisburg, PA
    2016 Prius
    From your mouth to God's ear.
  6. mattpopp

    mattpopp New Member

    Jul 2, 2008
    Other Non-Hybrid
    You Know. There is a certain class of people that drive a hybrid. Everybody knows exactly what type of person I am referring to. (you may be or not but its the stereotype that a hybrid was awarded) But it always threw me off when I got odd looks or people would say something at the gas station or parking lot(just so I could hear them). When I witness that it made me even more proud that I was not in there group. But your open suggestions is how I imagined this certain class to react to anything, open minded. The behavior that I have witness and YES I have contributed, proudly so at one point or another is just so child like. Its good to see that you can find the bright side with in so many negative members. It is what it is.
  7. smoke46

    smoke46 What you eat, I grow for you!

    Jul 4, 2008
    hallettsville, texas
    Other Non-Hybrid
    Excuse my spelling......I guess I should of been more careful. Teufel Hunden. 0311. ShowerShoe. DoubleRat. FatBody. GroundPounder. Doesn't ring a bell does it?
  8. mattpopp

    mattpopp New Member

    Jul 2, 2008
    Other Non-Hybrid

    Such a little boy,

    Sudbury,"sigh", that's north of my border. That means its regulated by Canada. That means Canada allowed that to happen. Canada not taking blame for there own actions and now you want good ole America to come to the rescue and clean your mess up for you. The same people that sit back and crack jokes about America. Are you afraid to get your hands dirty. If so you better get a good pair of gloves to clean up YOUR mess. We have enough of our own to worry about. Maybe you should wright somebody in France. They us a favor or two.
  9. bbald123

    bbald123 Thermodynamics Law Enforcement

    Nov 13, 2007
    Harrisburg, PA
    2016 Prius
    Please don't feed the trolls.
  10. john1701a

    john1701a Prius Guru

    Jan 6, 2004
    2017 Prius Prime
    Prime Advanced
    Well informed about the choices available.

    Concerned for the future of our children.

    Willing to commit to change with their wallet.

  11. smoke46

    smoke46 What you eat, I grow for you!

    Jul 4, 2008
    hallettsville, texas
    Other Non-Hybrid
    Jaymannnn...dont sulfer particles reflect UV rays? Also, without those diesels belching black smoke you wouldn't have your tiny prius. Trains, ships, tractors and trucks; yup, you guessed it, all diesels. So consider yourself part of the problem, for buying a prius and having it delivered to the delearship!
  12. jayman

    jayman Senior Member

    Oct 21, 2004
    Winnipeg Manitoba
    2004 Prius
    Danny should move this to FHOP and let it carry on. I really don't need or want your ignorant replies censored, it makes it that much easier for us to discredit you

    Yep, as part of NAFTA the generous Canadian taxpayer must fork over billions a year to subsidize GM, Ford, and DC plants in Ontario. The only reason to have those subsidies is to put money directly into the pockets of GM, Ford, and DC.

    As a Canadian taxpayer, I'm sick of it.

    To learn valuable skills and to get a couple of university degrees out of it. I'm an engineer, the person who designs the things you take for granted.

    The U of U a "parasocialist university?" They're about as right-wing as they come, but even the U doesn't listen to Rush, O'Reilly, and the other dumbasses. Kind of obvious you do, though

    Actually, you're the sheep. Always going baaaa buy a big truck because Dumbya says so, baaa listen to a druggie radio commentator - Rush - because he tells me what I want to hear. You get the idea

    I was willing to die for the US, and I am willing to die for Canada, if that is what it takes. I'm not willing to engage in a fake war, and lets face it we bombed the wrong country

    Actually, the styling caught my eye. I didn't even know it was a hybrid until I saw the back. That year Prius didn't have "Hybrid" on the fender

    Since you hate hybrids so much, what do you think of GM and Ford, and soon Dodge, making them? Must make you sick to your stomach.

    If I tried the same tactics at your Toy Truck forum, I'd get booted after one post. But as long as you folks believe your energy problem is caused by "parasocialist universities," more power to you. The entire world is laughing at you

    Odd how your quote got embedded with Matt's. Oh well, you're both from Texas, so whatever

    Do tell, how much USDA assistance you receive. This is an interesting read

    Another Year at the Federal Trough: Farm Subsidies for the Rich, Famous, and Elected Jumped Again in 2002

    I didn't have to. You were the one who brought it up, as if you could somehow use that credence as a means to bring respect or authority to your arguement

    I have no problem with your Constitutionally protected rights of Free Speech, but you have to allow me to speak as well. There is no "parasocialist university" conspiracy. The conspiracy nuts always want to find an easy solution to difficult problems

    I say live within your means. Whether the housing crisis or the oil crisis, this is due to deficit spending, and easy credit. What if the American dollar collapses, Canada is able to get out of NAFTA, and suddenly you have to live on 40-45% of the oil you now do?

    Just stick with the facts. I can bring up data from Argonne and Oak Ridge disputing everything you two have said that was negative regarding the Prius. If you can't trust former nuclear weapons labs, who can you trust?
  13. jayman

    jayman Senior Member

    Oct 21, 2004
    Winnipeg Manitoba
    2004 Prius
    Everytime in the past, whenever Canada tried to enact pollution limits, the US openly threatened trade sanctions.

    Why don't you look at NAFTA? It specifically shelters US businesses operating in Canada from any current and future legal action related to environment, labor, etc. Indeed, NAFTA requires Canada to guarantee oil supplies to the US in perpetuity - that means "forever and ever" - even if Canada must do without. At the time, American big busines controlled Canadian exports

    Recently, the Minority government under Harper has had the balls to stand up for Canada, something the whiny Liberals and NDP never have. Americans grumbled, but with the Canadian dollar at par, there is little the US can do about it
  14. mattpopp

    mattpopp New Member

    Jul 2, 2008
    Other Non-Hybrid
    Well said, of course you have the nit pickers. I grew up farming just as you are doing now. If it would not have been for Farming and then the Oil Industry we would not have the great nation that we have. So many are or few forgotten that. Like the old saying, you can not teach a dead dog new tricks but you sure can bury him.
  15. bbald123

    bbald123 Thermodynamics Law Enforcement

    Nov 13, 2007
    Harrisburg, PA
    2016 Prius
    Well done jayman. But it's all wasted electrons.
  16. mattpopp

    mattpopp New Member

    Jul 2, 2008
    Other Non-Hybrid
    That's what your government needs to do. Stand up for for all of you if that's bad. Something my government knows nothing about either. Face it our governments are spineless, power driven, money hungry and evil people. Mine is more so then yours. I can agree with you on that. Liberals are bad for business, they do not want to hurt nobody's feeling, screw that. There has to be a point when enough is enough. Obama and John M. are not the ones to do it here.
  17. smoke46

    smoke46 What you eat, I grow for you!

    Jul 4, 2008
    hallettsville, texas
    Other Non-Hybrid
    You only trust family. Thats it. I'm always willing to die for my country, still to this day. I dont plan on leaving my country and then crapping on it by saying "I was" willing to die for my country. Great job you must of did. Glad you got an education out of your service that must make you proud. So basically you were a user. Rush, is an idiot. Merely for the fact that he supports George W. George no matter what. W hasn't done one thing that has benefited me or my family and I feel he was a terrible president. Though he is the president. I support whoever because thats who the americans voted in. Clinton totally ruined cattle prices due to nafta by allowing mexican cattle to flood our market but we hung in there. I'm sorry to say but the majority of all the universities are liberal in there teachings or well, viewpoints. Its so easy to manipulate young minds with others opinions isn't it? Seems like a good place to start in the colleges. Remember boot camp? You canadians will soon get your chance to be on your own. Huh, american automakers in canada, who would a thought!
  18. jayman

    jayman Senior Member

    Oct 21, 2004
    Winnipeg Manitoba
    2004 Prius

    You obviously have no grasp of organic chemistry. I suppose you're really against low sulfur diesel fuel.

    I already covered this in my detailed description of how an oil refinery works, but here goes: the sulfur found in heavy sour crude (Mid East, South American sources) can damage the catalyst material used in fluidic catalytic crackers, isomerization units, and catalytic reforming units. Historically, that sulfur had to be kept under 500 ppm, preferably under 150 ppm, to ensure catalyst function and service life

    The reason ULSD is now mandated is to allow the DPF in diesel trucks to work. The trace sulfur would wreck the DPF very quickly. Of course, I suppose you've already cut your DPF off, after all it was a "parasocialism university" plot


    The atmospheric sulfur you describe is actually sulfur dioxide. It is a proven smog forming compound, along with other NMOG's (Non Methane Organic Gases), NOx, PM, etc. The smog will tend to collect and concentrate UV radiation, not "reflect" it. Where did you get this information from? I can provide organic chemistry tutoring for you, if you wish, so you can understand the process

    Actually, the Ozone layer is good at protecting us from UV and IR radiation. The aural electrojet helps protect us from gamma and prompt radiation. There are manmade and exoatmospheric events that can weaken and disrupt the Ozone layer, eg atmospheric and exoatmospheric nuclear testing

    I'm really glad you brought that up. See, even the very large stationary and work "prime mover" diesel engines are now subject to emissions standards. We already see much less black smoke gushing than we used to

    But one thing I noticed about the yahoo's at the Cummins site you belong to. You appear to take a lot of pride in making soot ON PURPOSE, even bragging about it

    "Kettle, meet pot"

    So explain to me what sort of jollies you get out of purposely defeating emissions controls, and purposely creating clouds of black smoke?
  19. jayman

    jayman Senior Member

    Oct 21, 2004
    Winnipeg Manitoba
    2004 Prius


    What, did all the stars just align??

    We finally AGREE on something!

    So, now that we can bury the hatchet, what do we do? Eg, create a "level" playing field so globally, all industries are subject to the same emissions standards, ensure corporations no longer have legal status or protection under the law, ditch taxpayer-funded subsidies, etc?

    We may have reached a breakthrough ....
  20. mattpopp

    mattpopp New Member

    Jul 2, 2008
    Other Non-Hybrid
    I think i tried to agree with you on something many posts ago. But what can I say. we dont agree on 99% of our ideas but we found one we do. I can admit that. That's all it took, we just had to dig long enough and we found it.

    Ever since Reagen left the white house we have been on a spiral down hill. I am terrified what Obama will do to us.

    By the way you are aware of the BioFuel that we subsidize that we send to Europe. I think for every tanker of Bio that comes to the US from South America. We add a small bit of #2 Diesel and then send a 9 Million Dollar check along with the fuel to Europe.