What's weird is that 10 months later, several people have said "Wow…still smells like a new car in here." I've been thru a brutal Chicago winter, an 8-year-old & crumbs, and several take out orders placed on the floors of my Prius C 2 & it somehow still smells brand new to others & even me. Go figure.
I love new car smell... I drove Skylis 2 home in an ice storm a while back and then it went down to like -20 degrees. It stayed so cold I never really got to enjoy the new car smell until April...and then it just wore off quick. I could just get some new car smell spray and wipe it on everything, but even then it doesn't last long.
So....you keep your car in a refrigeration unit? Just kidding! My 1997 Prizm was my late Dad's car - when he died in 2004 it still had the "new car" smell. My late uncle drove it for 6 years and then I got it - no new car smell but it didn't smell old and musty. It now smells like the dog's car...which it is. Some cars retain the "new" smell and some don't. I think keeping it under cover when not being driven may have something to do with it. The Prizm was always parked in a carport till 2010. YMMV
Generally I do not allow eating or drinking in the car. Sometimes if I'm really hungry and it can't wait Ill munch on something.
I prefer not too, but sometimes it is hard to avoid. I always clean up messes quickly if they occur. Kids are long gone so it is easier for me...
My c is like a usps flat rate box, if it fits it ships. I make runs to Home Depot for wood, landscape supplies etc.. Food, especially coffee, yep. That fits. My dog, she fits. I clean it fairly regularly but it gets used. iPhone ?
Oh wow. I remember when I first wrote this thread. Some has changed. I switched jobs and got a girlfriend, the new job doesn't have tables to eat when I feel comfortable plus I like talking on the phone with my GF, so now I'm ALWAYS eating in my car. Haha. Although I still don't trust all others to eat in my car. It depends on their age and how much I trust them.
I say no, my girlfriend says yes. I wear the pants in our relationship and have her permission to say so, people eat in my Prius C, oh well.