are there enough differences to make the trim incompatible with older cars? Say you take the wheel covers off your 2016 and I want to use them on my 2005 would they fit?
Is there a plastic lining beneath those rims? I'm assuming that's to help with aerodynamics. Is that something permanently placed or removable? And for those who are have taken off the wheel covers, does that affect fuel effienciency in any way?
The plastic cover is just protection during shipment. The cars at my local dealer hadn't been prepared for the showroom when I stopped by to see them. They remove the film and snap on the hubcap.
Thanks! That actually helps me lean more towards purchasing Prius 4 from getting the 4 touring. I like the wheels on touring models, but I would prefer the HUD and moonroof as well. The removed wheel caps on the non-touring models are pretty decent looking!
Is that the price for a set of 4 or is it the price for each? Sorry for replying too quickly with a question. Saw I cound go into the link and found it is $16 for each ornament.
I have Gen 4 in Mexico, here there is only 2 options: both are non-touring. I tried to search around but does somebody knows if there is some sensor which needs the cover or can i just remove them? Definitely looks much better withouth those covers.
Just a short "rant". I have been a Honda guy since 1980 buying the first hybrid, the Honda insight, which we loved. We jumped ship when the new insight grew and couldn't come close to matching the old cars mpg. Anyway, first Toyota was a C and we were back to good mpg. Now the rant. I haven't had wheel covers since the dam 70's. WTH Toyota? Even your aluminum wheels have covers!!?? Get the hell over it and give us some decent wheels without covers! Don't get me wrong, I love my Toyota, just not the wheels. I know I could go out and buy aftermarket wheels, but we are talking a good chunk of money. Thank you for tolerating me. Rant complete.
I actually agree with you about Toyota needing to move away from the plastic wheel covers. BUT...the justification has always been some argument about minute, perhaps nearly imperceptible aerodynamic gains made in wind tunnels. And if you owned an original Honda Insight? Didn't it have not only wheel covers but a rear wheel well 1/2 panel? But I do agree...I think things have changed. Originally you could justify things like ugly wheel covers under the Hybrid Unique and Efficient Flag. But Toyota themselves have brought the Hybrid and Prius into the mainstream. And in the mainstream....descent wheels are expected. I never liked The Prius wheel covers.