There is a cool app which will let you see the price of gas anywhere in the USA- it is called works great!
I use the website with the heat map. USA National Gas Price Heat Map - I have been tempted a few times to drive a few thousand miles round trip to get the cheapest gas haha, actually I keep my eye open for local prices.
$3.74 about 23 miles away on Saturday. Price has *risen* to $3.82 (from $3.78) over same time period at my closest station in southwestern UT. Thank goodness for 60+ mpg is all I gotta' say.
i have no idea what the price of gas is because i dont visit it nearly as often as i used to. and because i dont go anymore i dont really notice the price while i drive past gas stations.
$4.189 fred meyer/ reg gas / Warrenton, OR. Gas has really increased the last week. It was $4.05 a week ago at Fred Meyer. Other places are $4.259 and UP per gallon of reg. I heard talk that there has been some refinery problems which casued the price to spike. There is no shortage of gasoline if there was there would be signs in front of the station stating NO GAS, like in the 1970's when the gabbage hit the fan.... Every excuse is used to bring the price up, supply and demand does not effect the price of gasoline like other products. We all know there is no conspiracy here right..........
Essentially the same as in Honolulu: $4.39 & 9/10 cents. I've asked before - what's with the 9/10 cent? Is it just to make us think we're paying $4.39 and not $4.40?
Here in Northern Virginia we are mostly at $3.65 or so. Some places are 10 cents less... no less in the same county. No sense in gas prices it seems...
$4.19-4.43 for Regular here, and this isn't California. News is that the Ferndale refinery, which has been down since a fire three months and suffered a failed restart a few weeks ago, restarted successfully yesterday. But prices, which stepped up at the fire and again at the failed restart, have not yet begun to fall.
Vancouver, BC: Best price near me is 144.5ยข/L today. That translates to CDN$5.47/US gallon or US$5.28/gal. Note: Despite being right next door to Alberta we don't really benefit from their oil production. The pipelines of refined oil go directly south to the States. And if BC were to allow the Northern Gateway Pipeline (and I hope they don't), it will mean shipping raw bitumen to China so that they can refine it, ship it back here and sell it to us at a markup. If that pipe goes in, the sky's the limit.