Red Swingline Stapler Those staplers are the best. It's the Swingline 747 deluxe model. I always had to buy my own for work (the standard issue one for most offices these days seems to be a cheap Bostitch model that jams or fails to staple every other try). The red one looks cool. So does the one in chrome -- like the bumper of a 1950s Chevy.
I have my Dell PC with two monitors, Epson Scanner and Logitech speakers, a phone, 3 coffee cups (one for pens and two for coffee), my paycheck, box o business cards, utility knife, pcb trace layout artwork, Conformity Magazine 2008 Engineers' Reference Guide, an open frame switch mode power supply, two brick style power supplies, registration card for Canon PowerShot, box o paper clips, pile of correspondance and a bottle of Advil. Now, for the other side, swingline stapler, tape and insulating materials from transformers I unwound, 4 or 5 CDs, some packing materials, three hole punch and Follow-up audit procedures, bookcase (yes, this is on top of the desk) with a bunch of standards and catalogs and my jacket that I threw down when I got here. I'll leave under the desk and my work bench for another post.
That's where mine came from And, yes Boo... it works very, very well. When I left my job, I went out clutching my red stapler...
In my past job my desk was a Snap-On roll cab (Bloody big tool box) and a Snap-On computerised engine analiser, now although I have an office and desk I normally work from the patrol car so my desk had road grime and a coffee stain ring on it. I'll wash it on Monday.
That's funny... I recall someone, hmm, I think it was Pat, insisting that one mustn't drive with coffee...
Big bowl of assorted obscure flavors of Hershey Kisses, My Wee-Pri, One Christmas Cactus that refuses to re-bloom but I love it anyway, bottledwater, and my Statue of Liberty coffee mug filled to the brim with piping hot black coffee.
LOL, a Diet Pepsi Man. (If you look closely, both of our desks have a bottle of Diet Pepsi on it.) "Light, crisp, refreshing" as they used to say on the cans.
My desk is the boot lid of the car and I drink the coffee during my break. The stain I talk about is on the bootlid not in the car.