Just noticed something interesting (odd) listed for a few 2010's in the SET region. Models 1223, 1225, 1227 are being listed with the following option: [FONT="]17" EFPC Wheels w/Pirelli Tires-WB70 $1,699 [/FONT] [FONT="]Replaces Factory Wheels Listed [/FONT]
hmm, after some experience seeing the outrageous Port Options and Fees of many dealers in the SET - gotta wonder if this $1,699 is for only a pair??? 4 at this price sounds too cheap for the SET... Has to be a catch. ^_^
The tire issue on the gen II Goodyear tires was linked to the low psi recommended on door post placard. If the Gen III tires are left at the placard recommended, tread wear could be excessive.
Just recently put new Bridgestone Ecopia tires on my 2007 Prius. After an 800 mile trip from Texas to South Eastern Colorado. Lots of mountain driving, I averaged 55 mpg. The tires are quiet and seem to have great traction. I am very happy so far with my purchase. They were about $100 per tire. jag in Lubbock Tx.
Is there really any appreciable difference between the different brands of either the 15s or 17s? My V is coming in 2 weeks. I've never heard of Toyos, but of course I have Bridgestone. I would assume that all Prius tires have about the same ratings et al, and that Toyota simply wanted 2 or more suppliers.