No, if they were all driving ina line down the street, it would indeed be a "Parade of Prii." You can have a parade of lions too, if they were to exhibit this strange behaviour.
which reminds me that i need to save room on the road trip next summer for a few 12 packs of Fat Tire - to hell with the weight!
Thanks to all you PNW guys for supporting the micro breweries of Colorado. Hell, maybe you guys should come down here. I bet the folks at New Belgium Brewing would love to give you the tour. They're very progressive environmentally. And their beers are excellent. Great combo.
We have our Seattle friends to thank for bumping up the curve. The rest of us are just a bunch of hicks.
Me Talk Pretty One Day On the rare occasion I am behind or next to another Prius, I consider myself to be in the midst of a Prius parade. I doubt the other drivers feel the same, however. :mellow:
Indeed! As Rick (from Bend, Oregon - Hello from Eugene!) says, the folks on this forum have been extremely helpful for those of us visiting! You're all tops in terms of the information provided, as it certainly helped determine our Prius choice! We're waiting, patiently, mostly, for our car to arrive. So, Rick, we'll look for you in Bend after we get our Seaside Pearl Prius, when we visit some friends and do some illustration for the Desert Museum there! "This forum is, by far, the best of them all. Why do I say this? Simple really. The people! ... A tip o' the hat to y'all. It's a pleasure to be in good company." Here! Here!
I'm afraid I have to disagree with you, Jack. Speaking as someone who has watched java's rise to dominance in Seattle: caffeine = Nervy Little B*st*rds And we may be a city of intellectuals (I think it very debatable), but we can't spell worth a damn. (Present company very much included.)
My Seattle quip was based on this thread: In which Seattle was named the "Most literate city in the US."
I agree wholeheartedly. The folks around here are fantastic, and chock-full of information. Many thanks to them for all the posts that eventually helped me to decide that the Prius was the car for me.
I'll just tack this onto the end of an almost dead thread. As a relative newbie myself (three months), I'll attest to the tolerance of most, and even the outright friendliness of many, of the folks here. Some days I post like crazy, and I've probably annoyed lots of people (that and putting up polls). I'm like a (retired) kid in a candy store---but I'm calming down. Anyhoo, it's a good bunch o' bananas. Even the squishy, ripe ones.
Great beer. sometimes a get a few flyingdogdales in the wholesale area of downtown L.A. Another great beer...Henry Weinhards private reserve from Portland, Oregon.
Who ya callin' hick, ya dang Yankee!! :huh: Oh, wait. I just remembered where I live..... "Sweet Home, Alabama! Where the skies are so fullofthickblacksmokefrombeatupoldtrucksandsteelplants."
I agree, Jack's settling down. When he first arrived it seemed he needed to "spread his seed" a bit to announce his presence. Now it's a pleasure to have him around....usually