Here's a picture if you will... on the throttle mappings... as I understand them. I tried to attach a pic - but I'm not that smart. anyway - think back to geometry class - XY grid ... ok X axis - horizontal left to right - is how much you press throttle.... Y-axis vertical is RPM response... If I were to draw a line from the origin at a 45 degree angle - (linear or straight) this would represent Normal mode. Now, if I were to draw a curve or arc from the origin, below the 45 degree line and still end up at the end of the 45 degree line - this would represent ECO mode. I push the throttle but I have to push it further before the RPM starts climbing on the chart - but both reach max rpm when the pedal is all the way to the floor... with me so far? ok, so then PWR mode - does the opposite - it 'exagerates' the rpm ... so this time I start at the origin and the arc curves above the 45 degree line, still ending at the same max rpm full throttle position... but the rpm climbs quicker for given throttle response... Another way to picture this in your head - link of a circle with a horizontal line through it - ok... the horizontal line is normal - the lower half of the circle is eco and the upper half is power... now rotate that 45 degrees and you will see my "graph" .... hope that helps explain the throttle mapping ... and yes as one said above - it's all drive by wire - there is no throttle cable. you are simply moving a position sensor that tells the computer you want to go and how much - it determines the best approach, electric/gas/or both to get you there based on how much input you are providing.
I put it in Eco in the Dealer's parking lot, have never taken it out of Eco, but then I prefer low powered cars, so I wanted my Prius to emulate one.
I use ECO, drive 500-510 miles every two weeks combo city / hwy and use 9.7 gallons. - Lovin it!!!! Read more: