What kind of person would buy a Prius, anyway?

Discussion in 'Fred's House of Pancakes' started by paulisme, Apr 12, 2004.

  1. srellim234

    srellim234 Senior Member

    Jun 26, 2015
    Laughlin, Nevada
    2008 Prius
    Age: 61

    August 26 will be our 37th wedding anniversary

    Occupation: Semi-retired part-time elementary school crossing guard, stay at home dad to two of our three children.

    Religion: Raised Catholic but unaffiliated now

    Hobbies: Golf, bicycling, cooking (always on the lookout for simple but flavorful), over 16,000 tracks in my music collection containing a little bit of everything from 40s radio broadcasts to the current Tunguska Electronic Music Society. Favorite music is probably 70s and 80s soft rock but I like it all except rap.

    Favorite Beer: anything different. I like beer but treat myself so seldom I enjoy trying different ones. My favorite "go to" ones are Guinness, Sam Adams and Fireman's Brew.
    #81 srellim234, Aug 23, 2015
    Last edited: Aug 23, 2015
  2. bwilson4web

    bwilson4web BMW i3 and Model 3

    Nov 25, 2005
    Huntsville AL
    2018 Tesla Model 3
    Prime Plus
    Age: 65 (55 when 1st Prius bought)

    Married: 38 years

    Occupation: Network engineer and network monitor admin

    Religion: Unitarian

    Hobbies: Engineering and study

    Favorite Beer: Coffee stouts, porters, Kosh, with tequila neat

    Bob Wilson
  3. ETC(SS)

    ETC(SS) The OTHER One Percenter.....

    Oct 28, 2010
    Redneck Riviera (Gulf South)
    Other Non-Hybrid
    Age: As old as my tongue and a little bit older than my teeth.
    IOW: old enough to know what movie this answer comes from.

    Occupation: Dial tone and packet manufacturing and delivery.

    Religion: Reformed Catholic. Current Baptist only because the local church didn't buy the "little dab will do you" answer.

    Socio-political leanings: Reformed Liberal. People at church think that I'm I wild-eyed liberal. People in Davis, CA think that I'm a scorched-earth snake handling, conservative.
    Never vote straight ticket. Pro gun, anti death penalty, pro immigration (end all immigration quotas AND build the &^$# wall) I'm not eligible to get an abortion, but I didn't get a third trimester, so I think that SCOTUS has it about right with viability.
    You call it.

    Grandfathering, motorcyclist, tinkerer.

    Favorite Bands/Artists: None. I like music....most musicians I can do without. I have 4 gig of music on my phone that is as close as humans can get to being random---60's rock and roll, 80's rock. 90's C&W, some early rap, various vocalists and some churchie stuff. Anything you can play in polite company.

    Favorite TV Shows: What's a TV show? Mostly listen to NPR podcasts. TV is for the very young, the very old, or perhaps the very lazy....I usually have other things to do.

    Favorite Movies: Several would apply, but nothing that you would recognize. To Kill a Mockingbird, Steel Magnolias, 12 Angry Men, Second Hand Lions, Star Trek reboots, anything filmed before CGI. Some of my grand kids PIXAR films are pretty entertaining.

    Favorite Beer: As a baptist, I'm inclined now to say "A&W." back when I was a Catholic I would have said Moss Bay Extra or Bass when in the US, and anything that you can stand a straw up in the UK. I was aslo very fond of cider in the 80's in Scotland.....something that is starting to catch on here in the US.

    Favorite Car(S) Owned: 70 Chevelle (non SS but is a clone now) '91 300Z, 94 Mazda Miata

    (**Caveat**) BTW I haven't actually bought a Prius, so I might not be eligible for this thread. I've driven a 2010 since new. Again....your call.