At my fire dept, most drive trucks. But a lot of them are farmers on the side. Only a few drive cars. Truck = alpha male
Yes and also some men, in their own mind they are alpha males. When they know their wife is the alpha male.
Professional Old Car Geek...Research & Technical Support for a company that reproduces weather strip for Antique, Vintage and Special Interest automobiles.
Freelance Graphic Designer, self employed. My wife is the Marketing Manager (fancy title for the lead graphic designer who also handles budgets and such) for an Ivy League College's Performing Arts Center. She is the primary driver and picked the car.
I am a senior in Petroleum Engineering and my commute is 200 RT which adds to 1000 miles a week and that was first reason to buy prius and i drove it as rental couple of times and absolutely loved the interior and gas savings which was other reason for buying prius. Besides 1000 miles a week commute i drive atleast once a month to houston to my inlaws with my wife and those are extra miles. since she has mercedes so we take my prius to cut gas spending in half.
You may want to take your seat out and place a small recliner in there so your bottom is more comfy Let us know how it holds up when you hit a million miles in a few years. You may have Toyota know so they can put it in an ad for longevity
lol, the seat in Prius III is very comfortable so far. i dont have any compaints so far with the seat. and yes it will rack up miles very fast at this pace but i am trying to take good care of it, changing motor oil every 10k with toyota full synthetic myself and also changed the transmission fluid myself with toyota AT fluid and planning on changing it in about 5k miles again to flush it since the oil drained was just plain black water and didnt feel like oil at all.
I am a X-Ray technologist, worked in hospitals for 17 years doing CT, Xray ect... my trip to work is only 2.9 miles, but I have 4 kids and I am doing a lot of driving after work. I really like this car and no other car without a plug could come close to the mpg's of my prius c.
Former lab rat now practicing medicine in urgent care. Miss the research laboratory more than I thought. Still not sure what I want to be before I kick the bucket. Love the Prius technology, ride, mpg, cargo space. Also have a Honda Fit for fun when I want to row the gears and zip a little more.
Automation integrator and programmer, electrical service, PLCs and robotics. I also volunteer with the Council of Canadians, Green Party, and Canadian Ski Patrol. I've been a college prof as well. Proof-reading is a hobby. Your <> you're, then <> than, it's <> its
You would go nuts with a red pen on my post. I am an uneducated person with 60 hour of college credit. Or as a cop friend of mine says. I am a hose dragger.
I can attest to his proof-reading obsession. His very first post on this site was to correct a small error of mine.
I had a good friend in the Marines that had a degree in english. I had lived in Louisiana long enough that he went crazy listing to me. That was fun. Now people mix text slang with real world writting. It is becomming the norm. I have ADHD so thoughts and spelling don' stay in my head long enough to sound smart. I wish schools taught hooked on phonics instead of memorization. I leared to read with Dick & Jane books.