I'm the wife on the hubs account and couldn't resist.... I named his car the rollie pollie...because it's round, slow, and grey. Yay!!!! Get me little man
I never had a chance to name mine. Given all the attention I've lavished on it since I bought it, my wife started calling it "my Precious". So.. Precious it is.
Pri Pri or Betsy II. For some reason I called my previous car Betsy, and I like the theme. My girlfriend wasn't too stoaked to hear that my car had the same name as her mother, but it was named before we met
Shadow or Light Tinted Everywhere including front windshield. Black car. Easily sneak up on people at night with ev mode. I feel stealthy since no one can see in. Light for When I have my HID Lows, HID FOGS, and High beams on at the same time. Lights up the World.
For my past 4 Prius', their names were: 2001 Prius Electric Green Mica - Jenny. 2007 Prius Driftwood Pearl - Reggie. 2010 Prius Barcelona Red - Jazz. 2007 Prius Classic Silver - Cindy.
Percy. Percy Prius. I had to come up with a name when I installed my iPod. It asked me "Who's iPod is this?" and I figured, it's the car's, so he needs a name.