Would you Could You with a Fox? Would you Could You in a Box? Rotorhead's post just above "I don't recall ever having a "bad" icecream." reminded me of the Garlic Festival in Gillroy, CA where they serve Garlic Ice Cream. I have never had the pleasure of tying it, and am not concerned about what I might be missing. Like I said, Albertson's Mint N' Chip comes in Silver Pine Mica.
They didn't have the Chocolate Almond Brownie or the Mocha Fudge, but I got the straight chocolate, and it was very good indeed. Now I have one more way to fall off my diet, next time I try to go on one.
I've had it, and it was good. But then, I like ice cream and I love garlic (which is why I attended the Festival). It's not something I could have more than once a year, though.
I believe it. I can think of several good reasons. Which reason is yours? Some reasons I can think of: Allergic to dairy. Lactose intolerant. <-- my reason Vegan. It's too fattening. Just don't like it.
I've had it, both as hard pack and soft serve. I preferred the hard pack. What's really good is avocado ice cream (which I get when I go to an Avocado Festival). Normally I get either Rocky Road, French Vanilla or Chocolate Chip Mint if I'm buying at a market, but get other flavors if I'm going to Ben & Jerry's or Baskin & Robbins. If you want to test the ice cream from a company, it has to be vanilla.
I've lost my taste for most dairy stuff - though I like butter, mozzarella and feta - because my body doesn't tolerate it. I could be falsely smug and say ice cream is too fattening, but that doesn't seem to slow me down with the cookies.
The most interesting ice creams I've seen are the ones on the Iron Chef America show on the Food Channel. It is funny because the ice cream doesn't usually turn out but chefs feel the siren call of it anyway. The worst attempt was some kind of fish ice cream -- YUCK!!
Oh! I'd also toss a vote in for matcha (green tea) ice cream. When you can find the good stuff it's wonderful - very subtle flavor.
Reminds me of another Japanese flavor,Sesame seed ice cream.Its pulverized black sesame seeds make it bluish grey and tastes like frozen creamy nut butter . Also Mochi ice cream is pretty good.They sell it at Trader Joes.
Ok, I also really like a kind of ice cream that so far I have only found in Japan and Hawaii: Azuki (red bean).
I've had that in Japantown in San Francisco (along with the above-mentioned green tea ice cream). Both are Teh Yum.
Any of the flavors made by Blue Bell, a creamery in Brehnam, Texas, especially Fudge Brownie Nut, Banana Pudding, Milk Chocolate, and Homemade Vanilla. Next time you come to Texas check it out. (Not to be confused with Blue Bunny ice cream which is pretty gross.)
The Maple Walnut made by Purity Dairies is my fave, but that flavor comes and goes with the seasons. Right now, to my displeasure, it is not available.
Oh, I've had bad ice cream. The stuff that's whipped to death so it has the consistency of whipped cream... I hate that stuff. Don't confuse sorbet with ice cream though... gellato either. Not the same stuff. So the fish sorbet on Iron Chef, while it may have tasted awful, wouldn't qualify as bad ice cream
Here's a good answer for the question. "I don't believe you're leaving 'cause me and Charles Manson like the same ice cream." - Tori Amos