My sister named mine Marshmallow, her 2010 is named Audrey. I have called mine Marshmallow and Pri Pri (I say it like Prius without the -us, so it's not i as in "I"). I refer to it as the Pri Pri or Marshmallow.
Prius. I don't name any of my other appliances either. I just say "the JVC DVR" or "the Panasonic DVR" or "the fridge".
Well, I want to call our Prius "Toy", but my wife is undecided yet, and it is her car. I will continue to call it "Toy" as it truly is a fun one! We usually name all the cars. Our classic 69 Buick Skylark Custom Conv. was named "Valentine" as it is red with a white conv. top. But when i restored it, i had to drop the motor's compression down from the stock 10.5:1 to 9:1 so it would not ping, and due to lower octane gasoline that is now the main stay. (91 octane premium, instead of 95-97 back in the day). To make up for the loss of compression, I put on performance headers, dual 3" exhaust, mild cam, new bigger Q jet carb, and too many other improvements to list. When Valentine was all done, She,, became a HE and morphed into "Valentino", as that car now surly has a set, and truly lives up to its "muscle car" name! Alas,, my 05 Chevy Silverado 4x4 truck,,, is still, just "Truck"... I wanted "whitie" as it is white, but my wife thinks thats racist, and said NO!
…nice to find that rare (nowadays) breed of person uninhibited by having a vivid imagination! - Wil (that's my name, although I don't necessarily come when called!)
Uh, I believe Toyota already named the vehicle, as evidenced by all the "PRIUS" nameplates, labels, and decals located all over the vehicle.
What you say is undoubtedly correct, but bearing in mind its popularity and the number of Prii already sold since its introduction, that might lead to total confusion. - Wil
What? A "name" can only be used ONCE? Williams and Johns of the world are in for a BIG surprise (wink,wink)!
"ONCE"? who says? …and anyway, how many other Prii have you encountered named "ChuggyPig"? C'mon, be honest, now!