Why blame the car, blame the drivers. I don't want to generalize, but most Toyota drivers can't drive.
That is the textbook definition of generalizing... I recently made a drive through Massachusetts and noticed that in reality it is a small percentage of drivers who are stupidly dangerous - but that's enough to give the whole state a bad reputation. But back to the topic at hand: driving 120mph in a Prius (and most other mid-price or lower cars) is suicidal. It's not made to maintain those speeds, and it's absolutely not designed to survive them - one small mistake or a flaw in the road, and the cops will be cleaning you up with a spoon and some zip-locks. You have 7 times as much kinetic energy at 120mph as at 45mph, so the only thing left will be a ball (or several balls) of metal and hamburger.
As long as a car is sound mechanically (and thoroughly checked by a qualified mechanic) then I wouldn't have a problem buying a pre-owned vehicle within it's first 4 yrs of age. In college I got a 2 yr old Corolla with only 13K mi. and had that car for 11 years...and would have probably had it longer if it hadn't been stolen and then crashed.
No one likes to be forced to tailgate because of a slow driver... one reason you can't get 18 wheelers to stay in the Right slow lane.. they don't like being behind slow drivers either. One distraction and the driver in front of you slams on his brakes and its your fault....... if you allow a 2 second buffer... someone just jumps in front of you and closes the gap anyway. I too like driving in front of the crowd.... I"m not a speed demon, but I do like having a clear road in front of me.
90 is not that fast at all. Reached 130 once on my Legend. Have taken the test Prius well over 90 mph with ease, so it is not a problem for Prius to run over 90mph
Goodyear Integrity The OEM tire on my Prius are S rated, for 112 MPH. The Gen II Prius is limited to 108 MPH. When I enter a 2010 Prius II, all 3 OEM tires are S rated, as well. The Gen III Prius is limited to 113 MPH. Sizes To Fit Your Vehicle If I choose a 2010 Prius V, the OEM tires are V rated for 149 MPH Sizes To Fit Your Vehicle
Driving is dangerous in general, stop driving if you worry so much. If you believe in the man upstairs, let him decide your fate. If not, you let the Darwin theory work itself out. I don't know who is stupid enough to maintain 120mph for a long period of time in any car(maybe the ones who claimed their gas pedal was stuck). If someone is stupid enough to try, Darwin theory will take care of them. I don't believe in rackless driving, but I can say I am just as fearful as the old man who is driving 45mph even though he can barely see what's in front of him. It's not always about the speed or the car, sometimes you have to look at the nut behind the wheel
Two classes of people out there.... and sometimes this leans towards certain genders, but not always. 1. Good driving means you can go 120mph and still keep it on the road around a corner mean't for 60. Or go 70 around corners mean't for 35. 2. Good driving means, you never take risks nor break the law..... My wife favors number 2..... but so does my Grandma..... LOL! Basically all conservative drivers favor number 2.... but they would never win a race and therefore would be considered "BAD" drivers for an Indy 500 race. But on the freeway with a bunch of people going 50, texting, talking, distracted with their finger up their nose digging out that hard to reach bugger, number 1 could be considered a bad driver.... not because his reflexes are slow or his skills are bad, but because the other drivers don't know how to predict and negotiate with a driver of such speed. Drivers look right and left and no one is there so they pull out and "bam" there you are!... or they look in the mirror to change lanes and its clear, then "bam" there you are! While on the freeway,... we are a team. Any good team only works if all the members know how to interact with the others. This is why i taught my kids to never drive in such a fashion that someone else has to brake or slow down to accommodate you. Because if they are texting, you just made yourself vulnerable...... thats being a good driver! In fact, thats what makes a good racecar driver! If you can drive 120 and no one else has to do anything to accommodate you, then your good! Which in most cases probably means no one else is on the road as most "good" drivers aren't as good as they think and live on the graces of other people accommodating for them without them knowing it!
That's exactly who stole it! Took it for a joyride and it was found with the driver's side door bashed in.
This is as lame as saying there are only extreme lefties and extreme righties in this country. There are people in the middle who likes to do a little bit of both. Some people can go fast when condition permits, slows down when it isn't safe. Speed is only a number, it doesn't tell you the whole story. I sure trust my wife driving 50mph than my grandma driving 50mph (she can't see well) on the same road. Also 50mph in a S550 is a lot different than 50mph in a Hyundai Accent.
I agree. Slow drivers who are texting or calling endanger others too. And it gets even more annoying when slow drivers go to the very left lane and stop traffic and they force normal drivers to tailgate. And its your fault when they slam their brakes and you hit them.
85-95mph for about 20 miles with a bunch other cars on left lane yesterday on clean & sunny SB Hwy 280 past Hwy 92. 2nd from left lane is flowing about 75-85mph so it's not too fast. Prius has no problem keeping up in Pwr mode and feels quite stable.