Since ours is Summer Rain Metallic we named her Summer. Our daughter's name is Autumn, so we now have 2 of the seasons covered.
It does have similar driving characteristics of a Fred! Flinstone that is hahahaha!!! ( That is a joke people )
My wife and I agreed that the rounded front end of the c looks like a guinea pig, while the angular rear end looks like a rocket. So we call ours the Rocket Pig! We considered getting RCKT PIG license plates, but in Oregon it costs $6 to transfer existing plates vs. $250 for new ones, so we kept the old HYBIE plates from the Civic Hybrid we sold.
I named mine Cameron after the character in Sarah Connor Chronicles, as it is a hybrid machine, and a bit of a deviation from the previous line. =)
One of our other cars is a white Nissan Armada, which we call "The Space Shuttle", so we call the c, "The Escape Pod" We also joke about putting the c on top of the Armada and using it as a luggage carrier.
So the least creative name ever. Mine is the "Prius C." But I got California plates that say "Prius C." Can’t wait till it I receive them.
My car is a Black Sand Pearl Prius c Two and she is named Prudence by day and Kunoichi (female ninja) by night. Which is what my username is from.
My teenage kids want to call it "BeBe" for "beep-beep", but I like the name "Sparky" (hence the user name)
"IF" I ever get a Habanero (2, 3, or 4) before the rapture::rapture: I'm thinking HY-C [Hy = Hybrid; C = Prius C; and Hy-C = The Orange Drink].:yell::hippie::car:
My grey C is "Vincent" after the robot from Disney's "The Black Hole". (yeah, I'm dating myself here, I know)