Good primer. Thanks, and looking forward to yakking with the lot of you about our Prii, which I assume but have not yet confirmed is the plural form of "Prius."
I am retired too- my mileage has dropped off a lot. One reason a Prius is not popular here in SW Florida is people are seasonal and the Prius is not the car to park in the garage for six months or leave sitting for three weeks while you drive the Caddy on a vacation to visit the grand kids. I traded my 2007 Prius in for a new Dodge minvan today- $11,700 out the door difference. Next year when my teenger starts driving I might look for a low mileage Prius C for her.
I recently bought a used 2012 Prius and i fill in around 9 gallons every time. It shows me approx 500 miles to go. It's close to accurate. I average above 55 mpg consistently. Usually between 56.6 to 58.5mpg. Turn off signatures in Tapatalk Tapatalk
So I have had a 2001 Silver Toyota Prius for about 4 years, going on 5 and my family and I have talked about replacing it. Most of the conversation revolves around the miles, which is about 134,950. Breaks, Tires and Battery have been replaced in the last year to year and a half and annual maintenance is always consistent. The most problems I have is a faulty Catalytic Converter that has not, to my knowledge affected the overall performance of my car. Finally, the most driving I do is my local city (Raleigh NC) and two or three trips of about 250 miles to major cities like Charlotte or Asheville. Do I need to be worried about replacing my car anytime soon?
Prius 2006 US ver. I got a engine coolant leaking, fixed, but I still didnt found the SLLC, I got 2 questions...please help 1-Do engine share coolant with transaxle? I look both enter in the radiator 2-If dont found the SLLC, wich one can I use for engine? Regards
The jumper cable would be for the 12v battery. If the Prius has been sitting for a while, on or off, it may not start. The red triangle may come up on the dash or the dash may not light at all. One probable explanation is that the 12v battery has gone low [use of accessories is most likely reason]. To solve this, try doing a jump from any other car's 12v battery. You can jumper onto the battery itself in the trunk area behind the rear bumper corner, or at the jumper terminal under the front hood in the fuse panel [+ on terminal, - on chassis metal]. Either way, the car should come alive after just a few seconds, ready to start, and should be able to keep itself alive while it charges its 12v battery. One note. OK to jump a Prius from another auto, but do not try to jump a regular automobile from a Prius 12 v battery, as the Prius battery and electronics are more easily overloaded by the jump demands...
New Prius owner here. Thanks for the good tips all! Can't really see myself filling up at half a tank, maybe two or three pips up. I want to enjoy having the extended range compared to my old X3. I HATE going to the petrol station, but it's good to know this car isn't one to run on vapor (is any car?). Also, has anyone noticed any significant MPG advantage from reduced weight with less than half a tank in the car? I'm an airplane guy, so I'm always thinking extra weight is bad for fuel burn. LOL I love that term and have been using it whenever the opportunity presents. If it isn't the official plural form of Prius it should be!
OK, this info and the comments are awesome. We got our Prius a few weeks ago, a 2006/65K from an indie dealer. Had to jump her 2x already, but generally no problems. Will finally get into the local dealership in a week or so for a look see, but she really runs great. Of course in my stupid nice person neighborhood someone clipped off my drivers side mirror and now the power window is acting weird, but that ain't Toyota's fault. Meanwhile I drive 800 miles week for work, and I'm already saving $$.
Those tips are VERY helpful, and agree should be printed out and posted on refrigerator for husband!!!!!
...hey, welcome to PriusChat (another newbie here), and your logic is impeccable (as any Latin scholar will tell you!) - lots of very useful information to be mined here, and lots of friendly Prius drivers only too willing to share information and experiences! - Wil (& the ChuggyPig)
There's a Toyota app that has the Prius owner's manuals That is what I call a great and helpful OP! I just bought a 2014 Prius Two last night (unseen). I had test driven it in black and ended up telling the salesman I loved it but I wanted it in dark blue. So he is finding me one.