It's worn only according to rank, since Bill is at the top, so to speak, he gets to wear it on his forehead. High Prius Priests can wear it around a chain on their necks, while the rank and file Prius Plebes must simply have a crude patch on an organic cotton t-shirt. h34r:
MERCHANDISE?!! :angry: What kind of a SHAM do you think this is??? Only cheap-o sub-par cults sell merchandise to raise revenue. This will be a more dignified establishment where DONATIONS go to save your Prius SOUL. You DONATE, and in return, eventually, you'll be blessed with the nirvana of the elusive 70mpg average! h34r:
Not merchandise, I wrote Merchantdise. For example, a pair of driving gloves that Bill actually wore as he carressed the steering wheel of his Prius, might be one such item. For the good of the movement, Bill could spend just a few hours each day wearing a different pair of gloves as he drives, then packaging them with a certificate of authenticity. I predict this to be a hot seller.
:lol: SPECTACULAR concept! I concur, I think it WILL be a hot seller! And when he gets rid of his Prius, it'll be like that kid that bought then Cardinal Ratzinger's used Volkswagen, ultimately sold to a casino in Nevada somewhere for a few MILLION!