Reminded me a joke when in the old Soviet Union a guy was asked by a correspondent what did he think about the Stalin epoch. The answer was: - It was great! And when startled correspondent asked why?! The guy said that then he was young and girls loved him
Just make sure we're on the same page, I wasn't talking about a stick shift: the gas gauge was a stick. I kid you not.
Yes, I was referring to the stick in the gas tank. I remember it on my uncle's bug. Great memories of a simpler time.
It seems not that long ago (OK, 30 years ago) that I was talking with oldsters who remembered when heaters and radios were wonderful newfangled aftermarket additions to add to the family car.
Ours was a makeshift, split off piece of cedar. Your picture puts it to shame, much more sophisticated. Not sure about the reserve tank.
I found the picture on GOOGLE. I borrowed an early '60s Beetle once and I remember her saying that if it runs out of fuel, there was a lever on the fire-wall. Of course the fire-wall was technically at the back seeing they'd been confused about where the engine should go. Sure enough, I drove to my grandfather's and parked in their (steep) driveway, and it wouldn't start. Grandfather suggested running it back onto the level ground - it started immediately - not out of fuel at all. It seems he knew about Beetles. Another Beetle idiosyncrasy. At least the computer never said "MALFUNCTION".
All RAF aircraft refueling tankers were referred to as fuel bowsers in my day. It was a very long day too! And hemisphere. We are just nations divided by a common language.
I think it varies by driver, and driving style... mine came on with 26 miles left to empty. (I won't ever let the tank get that low again.)
With the low fuel warning light on, showing zero miles to empty, I've never managed to get much more than 37 litres into the 45 litre tank, which means I had almost 8 litres left, which equates to over 100 miles left, so the light is very pessimistic and errs well on the safe side..
I've never considered being on the safe side an "error". But then, I'm the guy with the NEXT kilo of coffee at the ready on shelf in garage, when I've barely got into the current one, lol.