That's me getting ready for the Zip Line on the Oasis of the Seas ship. That harness was TIGHT! My wife and I, off the coast of St. Martin island.
Well seeing as how you posted pictures of you in short shorts as well as a ton of pics on here, by the look of it, it doesn't seem like that.
It's funny how looks and self esteem work. I know some beautiful women who have very low opinions of themselves, and think they're fat and ugly. Then there are others who think they're a gift to mankind, and they're really not. And not that I'm the best judge of masculine good looks, but I've noticed similar trends there, too. The actor/model types in general seem to be an insecure lot. So, I tend not to trust what people say about themselves.
Though I'm surprised that you don't post more pictures of yourself, I'd like to see them, you're truly gorgeous.