Probably just late descending hands. Give him another six months to a year and they should pop right out. Tom
There is a medical procedure to fix that problem, but it's very involved and embarassing Wait a minute, I'm thinking of something else. Never mind
Pictures of us from this year: I'm learning to ski My eldest is finding his place in football. My youngest trying out soccer.
I tried learning to ski once. It was comical and embarrassing at the same time. So I retired to the lodge and started drinking heavily
French fries and pizza man, french fries and pizza! I've gone a few times and got quite good at the getting-up-after-a-fall technique.
French fries are okay, but too greasy. I prefer baked potatoes in their jackets. Pizza is delicious. But potatoes with pizza is too many carbs all at once. On skiing: When I was a kid, everyone I knew who went skiing came home with their leg in a cast. I heard about this one woman who went out for her very first skiing lesson and got bowled over by a snowboarder and got a broken ankle before she took her first step on skis. I hiked (in summer) along the trail where Pierre Trudeau's son died (in winter) in an avalanche while skiing. And at one hiking lodge, we regularly hike past a monument for seven skiers who died in an avalanche. Skiing is just too damn dangerous! I'd much rather go swimming with sharks. Hell, I'd even face a bunny in the woods rather than go skiing. (Few people realize that most of the deaths attributed to bears are actually caused by vicious bunnies.)
:faint: errr... the french fries and pizza and terms used to teach skiing techniques to kids. "french fries" refers to when your skis are parallel and you are going to go fast. You make your ski's into a "pizza" to slow down. I didn't know either until my 13 year old told me. I just thought the other kids in my ski school ( remember I did this THIS year at 38 yrs old) were a bit off center chanting "french fries!" "pizza!" down the slope. I will keep my guard up while hiking. It would be damn embarrassing to have survived ski lessons only to be taken out by a bunny.
Nonsense. Warp speed, Mr. Sulu! And being attacked by ski bunnies is about the most fun I've ever had. Well, so far, anyway.
Oops! :embarassed: Still... french fries are seldom parallel. Mostly they're just a jumble... and how do you make your skis into a circle???
Bring on those ski bunnies. You can have the dust bunnies I get here. Jay, how did I know you were going to say that? One day I will see snow that is on a skiable slope. Can no longer say I have never seen snow since January this year.
Huh, a bit ironic considering that George Takei is gay. I like the part when they tell you "I'm not that sort of girl!`and then prove they ARE that sort of girl I stick with what works