As a child, a small child we had a collie, but she died when I was very young. The next dog was Scruffy the border collie kelpie cross, he was fantastic. We had 8 or 9 chooks (hens, chickens, whatever, we call them chooks) and Scruffy would round up the chooks and move them around the back yard. He never hurt them and was never trained to do this but he was really good at it. I would have loved to see how he did with sheep. My first dog of my own was Henry. We got Henry when he was 5 weeks old and my son was just on a year old so Henry and Sean grew up together. Then Missy came into our life as a stray, I think she was abused and still shies away when you lift your hand to pat her and is very foot shy. Unfortunately Henry passed away in my arms in April 2007. Henry was beautiful. He wasn't a smart dog, he had a small head, huge eyes and ears so no room for a brain. Henry was a staffordshire bull terrior, whippet cross, the most gentle and affectionate dog you ever met. Henry hated being alone, he would cry when left home alone or when we locked him up at night. I'm a real softy so as a 5 week old pup Henry slept in my bed with me. He would lay behind my legs under the quilt, he was so soft and warm. Henry was so gentle with kids, I know you should never trust a dog with a child but I trusted Henry 100%. I never left him alone with a kid but I know I could have, he wouldn't hurt anything. My wife once came home to find Henry with his nose on a mouse, he wouldn't bite it but he gently pinned it to the floor until she got home and held it until she came back with a jar to catch it in, then she handed it to me to kill it when I got home from work. Missy came into our yard to steal Henry's food. I came home one day and found Missy in the back yard. I had no idea where she came from but she was lovely. More stand offish than Henry who would go to anyone for a pat or a game, but Missy had her own charm. Missy is still with us after I took her to the pound and told them if no one claimed her we would have her back. That move cost us $100 but she was desexed in the price. Unfortunately she had already been done I think, but not tattooed in her ear. Now she has 2 scars on her tummy and a blue circle in her ear. My son and I were walking Henry and Missy when Sean was about 10 a woman asked what breed the two dogs were, I said, "the larger male is a staffy whippet cross", and Sean said, "Missy is a bitch terrior!!" Missy loved play fighting with Henry, mostly because Henry never bit back. Missy is now an old dog, about 15 years old. She is pretty blind, selectively deaf and a little unsteady on her feet, we love her. Mostly she sleeps but every day she goes a little nuts and races around the house. I know she misses Henry. I really don't think she understands why he isn't around any more. I'm choking up a little talking about Henry but I hope you get a feel for how I love/loved my dogs, they are/were among my best mates and a real part of my family. Missy is running around the house right now. Here is a picture of the two of then taken a few years back. Yes I know I'm not much of a gardener.
Well, looks like we share a love for pets. In my case, that would be two cats. As a child, I remember a housecat named Sophie, the dog Rex lived outside My folks wanted a pet and after a lot of searching animal shelters, we adopted BooBoo in 2001 as an 8 month old male He had been badly abused as a kitten, thrown against a wall among other wonderful acts. The back leg is gimpy as a result Around 2 years ago my dad had an appointment with a cardiologist at Health Sciences Centre here. On the way into HSC, we noticed a small, abandoned kitten crying at the main door. My dad resolved that we had to take care of it, if it was still there after the appointment. I had wished it was gone by the time we were done, but nope, there it was, still crying at folks as they walked by. So I scooped it up and took it back to my place. BooBoo immediately bonded with him. Called him Doc, as we found him at a clinic. Took it to the vet the next day to be denutted and tuned up. I doubt Doc was abused, he has always been very friendly. Yes, they take turns sleeping with me and my dad
I had a cat when I was a kid, looked just like Doc, his name was ginger. His brother, Honey would belt the dog on the nose, claws out, if he came too close but Ginger didn't mind the dog, just ignored him. A third cat, snowball would play chasey with Scruffy, they took turns chasing each other through the normally overgrown front garden. We used to laugh at their antics.
Your cats look very content and well feed. We had a cat called Leisha for about 18 years. she was ginger with long hair, that she kept impecable. We thought we had lost her when she was young, we could not find her for about 4 days, but we kept hearing a soft meow. Finally we realized that the meow was coming from our linen cupboard. When we finally let her out she went straight to the front door to be let out so she could go to the toilet.
Oh, they are, no worries there. I brush them a couple of times a day, trim the claws weekly, bathe them monthly, and they get an exciting trip to the vet every 6 months I never allow them outside. I dose them with selamectin every 2 months, and drontal every 6 months, so I won't have any icky surprises Both of my cats are expert at opening cupboard doors. I will put rubber bands on the cupboard handles I don't want them to venture into
My cats do the same thing. They take turns chasing each other all over the house. They sometimes get into wrestling matches too
Welcome to Prius chat! Here's a recent shot of me... in the morning, before coffee... and that is Not My Dog
At first I thought she would eat him since it was probably locally grown but she is vegan so I dismissed that idea.
Au Contrare... I did not nap the dog... it is my daughter's dog. I was puppy-sitting for her. Small yappy dogs are not my style. I have a cat. Though, I'll admit, her puppy is really cute. Don't break my heart, please, Jayman...
That puppy is ADORABLE!! It looks like a Morkie (Maltese/Yorkshire Terrier), which is a breed of dog I hope to get someday...totally adorable!
He is actually a toy Poodle. 8-weeks old in the photo. My daughter, bless her heart, buys puppies from breeders. *sigh* I am so very opposed to breeders, puppy mills, and anything but shelter/rescue pets! So, naturally, my child has to do the exact opposite. I did name her puppy for her, though. His name is Beau. She has another dustmop named Buttons... That's right.. Buttons and Beau.
I have no pets to add to this, so you're stuck with me in spandex. (I'm the one in the middle with the blonde wig & pumps)