I figured that's what must have happened. I didn't see his other posts, and can't now. When you do a search for posts by him, you get zero results.
Well I'm incredibly new to this forum (and to the Prius world!) but I love these kinds of threads, so here goes nothin'. Here I am a long time ago... And a bit more recent (I'm on the left with my friend Leo on the right)
I like this idea....always nice to get a picure in your head of who you are talking to! So if you were curious, here are some of my pics I pulled off Facebook (only have my lil netbook here at work right now!) 1. Me on wedding day in Mexico 5/6/07 2. My new (used) purty Red 07 Prius (bought on Ebay) Is SUPER dirty, as this was on the road trip home from Kentucky where it was purchased. 3. My beloved babies Hoss & Story (source of my posting name) 4. "Hoss" 5. "Story" 6. Scuba in Aruba 7. H'ween in New Orleans '08
If we're posting dog pictures, I'd better include one or two of our new puppy. Introducing....Rufous Lapus Lazuli, aka Zuli.
I never could figure out how to upload my photo into this thread (in spite of E-moi's and others' excellent instructions) so for one day only (my Easter b-day) my avatar will be my photo. Aunt Bee
Yes, she is. They're the toughest, smartest, most loyal dogs I know. Not the best behaved, maybe, but we're working on that. She's only five months old.
Yeah, but good luck with keeping your couch from being eaten (it's that dingo in them that makes everything a potential foodstuff) And what's wrong with calling them Blue Heelers? Everyone down here does (but then, we call pit bulls "American Pit Bull Terriers") Submitted 4 ur approval, 1 blue heeler named Blooie
Australian Cattle Dog is the official name, but they're more popularly called heelers. And not because they 'heel' to the will of the owner. Very few people recognise the breed right away, and the red seems less known than the blue.
I am somewhat familiar with them because they are a close cousin to the Australian Kelpie. I adopted a Kelpie mix from the local SPCA a few years ago. I named her Dingo (kind of an inside joke between me and my GF). Dingo - a set on Flickr
Every dairy farmer I knew in Minnesota had a blue heeler.. and every single one of them limped, generally from trying to "herd" the milk truck, and getting run over. Personally, I prefer border collies. But heelers are good, too
We have one of each. I would have to say in our case the heeler is the smarter of the two. The next dog I get will be stupid and lazy.
We like smart dogs, even though they can be extra trouble. Smart + Neurotic = Special Needs Sheepdog = Dingo Smart + Manipulative = Evil Genius = Digby