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What Do Women Think of Men Driving Priuses?

Discussion in 'Fred's House of Pancakes' started by norak, Mar 23, 2008.

  1. norak

    norak New Member

    Feb 14, 2007
    I think the AskMen guy's main point is not that there are different types of women but that ALL women want a man with a good car. His evidence for this is that fact that not one women would want him when he drove his second-hand subcompact Honda.

    There you go, that's further evidence that all women want men with expensive cars. Maybe a Prius is not enough to attract women. Maybe I have to drive a Porsche or even a Ferrari. It shows women you can provide for them.

    I'm not a superficial person. I just don't want to be lonely all my life.

    The article I posted was titled Same Guy, Different Car. Everything about the guy was the same. However, when he changed his car to a Porsche, women were all over him. When he was driving his subcompact, it was impossible for him to get a woman.

    I don't know exactly what I need to do to attract a woman. That's why I started this thread. I'm still in my early twenties.
  2. hobbit

    hobbit Senior Member

    Mar 23, 2005
    2004 Prius
    There's a sort of parallel thread over in CleanMPG, about the
    same article which seems to be getting some serious followup
    exposure. Somewhere in there I'm ruminating about a similar
    situation... and I've already got a stiffening plate!
    Okay, so how 'bout this: when Daniel and Sam get hitched, we can
    use it as an excuse for a really big Prius gathering!
    Or maybe just spin off a "prius-owning singles" subforum...
  3. saminjax

    saminjax Member

    Mar 2, 2008
    Jacksonville, FL
    2008 Prius
    Already as close to "hitched" as I ever want to be, but the Prius gathering sounds fun! I think you should call the Prius singles subforum "Pringles."
  4. sendconroymail

    sendconroymail One Mean SOB

    Feb 27, 2008
    Los Angeles, CA
    2008 Prius

    The only advice I can give you is make sure you dress really nice. You can take identical twins dress one in jeans and a t-shirt and the other in dress pants, shirt, tie, nice belt, nice shoes, and put some nice cologne on him. Send them out to bars or whereever and the guy dressed nice will get a lot more attention. I see it myself all the time. I had a friend that I hung out with a lot that would always dress like a slump. I convinced him to just buy one outfit to wear when we went out. He was amazed with the amount of woman that would pay attention when we dressed up. When you dress nice and keep your car and house clean it gives woman a positive impression of yourself. Dressing nice also gives you confidence which also makes you more attractive. I'm not sure how you dress but you might want to look into it if you don't dress nice. If your dressed nice and another better looking guy is not, woman will feel you make more money and are higher up the food chain and you'll get the date first.

    Of couse if you were handsome like me and dressed nice and were an attorney you'd be even better off. :p
  5. F8L

    F8L Protecting Habitat & AG Lands

    Aug 14, 2006
    Grass Valley, CA.
    Other Non-Hybrid
    I would have thought the last part was a negative. :p :D
  6. saminjax

    saminjax Member

    Mar 2, 2008
    Jacksonville, FL
    2008 Prius
    LOL. Indeed - at least with the two lawyers I dated. I know all lawyers are not the same, but for those two, the packaging was much nicer than the actual package...
  7. qbee42

    qbee42 My other car is a boat

    Mar 2, 2006
    Northern Michigan
    2006 Prius
    You should have asked for full disclosure.

  8. daniel

    daniel Cat Lovers Against the Bomb

    Feb 25, 2004
    Spokane, WA
    2004 Prius

    I actually don't examine myself under a microscope. I know there are good points and bad ones in everybody. I see guys worse-looking than I am with nice wives or girlfriends. But I know few guys with as consistent a record of rejection as I have. And I have a brain, so I know that when an experiment consistently yields the same result, there's probably a reason for it.

    I don't feel that those are all that count. I merely note (and become depressed by) my consistent record of rejection. But to anticipate the next comment, because I get this all the time: "If you expect rejection you will be rejected." Leaving aside the element of magical thinking there, I actually never expect rejection when I do occasionally meet someone. I always think This will be the person I hit it off with. Then she phones with an excuse for why she cannot see me after all, or, much more rarely, just says she's changed her mind.

    Women who are already in a secure relationship sometimes do. It's only when they are actually free to enter into romance that they react to an invitation from me as though I had offered to deliver a truckload of fresh manure to their living room.

    In English we say "Clothes make the man." But in Spanish (at least in Mexico) they say, "Aunque la mona se vista de seda, mona se queda." (A monkey dressed in silk is still a monkey.)

    One of my quirks is that I am totally turned off by makeup, perfume, high heels, and so-called "elegant" dress. Sure, I could buy a tuxedo, but then I'd guarantee that if I did attract a woman, I'd be unable to stand her.

    I wear clean, decent clothes. Not fancy.

    I once went to a singles club where, upon putting my head in the door, what I saw was a bar, with tobacco smoke not thick but strong enough to be disgusting, where all the men were in suites, and all the women were in evening dress, and the music was something I described as a cross between Frank Sinatra and Inglebert Humperdink. I pulled my head back out and left. I would not want to get involved with anyone who could tolerate five minutes in that room.
  9. SSimon

    SSimon Active Member

    Feb 27, 2006
    N/W of Chicago
    2006 Prius
    If men are changing things about themselves in order to attract a woman, it's a recipe for trouble. You are who you are. And if you're driving a certain car, or dressing a certain way just to attract women, what does that say about you? A secure man wouldn't dress a certain way to attract women as he'd be confident he'd find a woman by virtue of his substance that he doesn't feel the need to window dress. This woman would never want to be w/ someone who changes merely to attract me. If a person isn't following their dreams and happy with their own choices for their own contentment, they're eventually bound to become miserable. I would never want be w/ someone that I've unknowingly and unintentionally stifled in such a manner. People need to be happy w/ themselves first, if they're to be in any kind of a meaningful, giving relationship.

    So, Daniel, I'd offer that the "problem" with you not having success with women is not you. It's merely that for some unfortunate reason you haven't found the right woman to appreciate all that you have to offer which, as I see it, is intellect, compassion, morals and conviction. In my time on PC, I've witnessed anything about you that is repulsive. Not even your looks.

    You can take it from someone who has had a lot of relationships with lots of ups and downs that a shallow love is not better than no love. It may seem that way as you crave companionship, but typically these kinds of love are not worth the energy expended. Unless you also crave misery and a lot of expended work towards no mutual end goal.

    Live your life and be happy, Daniel. Seems to me you've enough nice qualities within yourself that you should be enjoying the company more. :)
  10. hyo silver

    hyo silver Awaaaaay

    Mar 2, 2005
    off into the sunset
    2004 Prius
    On the first date? That can be risky. She might have been exposed to his briefs, or she could have been slapped...with a suit. ;)
  11. dogfriend

    dogfriend Human - Animal Hybrid

    Feb 26, 2007
    Carmichael, CA
    2007 Prius
    Ugh. Lawyer puns. :D
  12. hyo silver

    hyo silver Awaaaaay

    Mar 2, 2005
    off into the sunset
    2004 Prius
    Yeah, what she said. And that goes for women, too. Relax. Just be yourself. If you don't have the confidence to do that, or are too insecure to know who you are, you're not ready for a long term relationship.
  13. sendconroymail

    sendconroymail One Mean SOB

    Feb 27, 2008
    Los Angeles, CA
    2008 Prius
    Just because you dress nice does not mean every woman that comes up to you will be a rich woman in an elegant dress. Actually I find half the woman who approach me are dressed in jeans and drive 10 year old cars. For a woman rich or poor (in general) they want a man who dresses nice, etc... So regardless of the type of woman you are looking for dressing nice will help you. Trust me just buy an outfit or two and see what happens. You also don't have to spend a lot to do what I'm talking about. I'm not sure if you have Ross where you live. But there are discount stores that have nice clothes on the cheap. And for your house its not about having expensive furniture, etc... it's about keeping what you do have clean and neat. It makes you look responsible which is attractive to woman. It's all about saying look at me I take pride in myself and the things I own... pick me.

    I really think trying what I have said will really help you to stop looking down on yourself. Woman can tell when a man has no confidence in himself.
  14. patsparks

    patsparks An Aussie perspective

    Jul 12, 2007
    Adelaide South Australia
    2004 Prius
    Hey Daniel, ever lost something, gave up looking and soon after you stumble over it, normally after you replaced it? No? Well I do all the time. Don't look and you will be more likely to find the woman you want to share time with.

    You're a smart guy and interesting but I don't think being interesting is the key at all, being genuinely interested in a person will win them over every time. Ask questions about them, start with non personal and go from there and never think it's do or die, you have nothing to lose.

    Mate you are a cool guy and doin OK so don't give up. Dating services and pickup bars are loser haunts, what you describe as a woman you would like to spend time with is more likely at a "Trees for Life" or Greenpeace meeting than a nightclub.

    Do the things that get you out of your home but into the things you like to do, she will be there. This isn't magic or dribble, put yourself out there bloke and you have a good chance, you are as good or better than any other man.

    The article is right you know? The car makes a difference, get out of a Ferrari and you feel like a winner, get out of a dirty 180B and you feel like loser with no confidence. It's about confidence. If you don't hang your self esteem on your car it won't affect your confidence.

    I met my wife at an outdoor eatery/truck-stop and I was driving a 10+ year old Morris Mini Panelvan, she had a 4 year old Corona. I am not a good looking guy and she is not an ugly woman. I remember the evening and all I did was act confidently and have fun. I was in a fun, playful mood. My car was freshly polished that day. I was just dressed in jeans and tee shirt or casual shirt, I know this because it's all I ever wore.
  15. sendconroymail

    sendconroymail One Mean SOB

    Feb 27, 2008
    Los Angeles, CA
    2008 Prius


    Yeah the inner beauty love peace blah blah blah. It's not about dressing nice to be someone you are not. When you dress nice and you are not used to it, initially you will feel like a gorilla in a suit. You will walk awkwardly and feel very funny. After a while you'll notice woman paying more attention to you and talking to you. Then you notice people at your job will start taking notice of you and taking you more serious. The higher ups that you never talked to will start talking to you. Then you'll start feeling good about yourself and WANTING to dress nice. Then you'll get a little swagger when you walk. Then woman will start noticing your confidence, etc.... Forget the inner beauty crap just trust me.
  16. saminjax

    saminjax Member

    Mar 2, 2008
    Jacksonville, FL
    2008 Prius
    Can't blame you a bit - I've walked out of my share of places (usually techno-dance places with half-naked 20-year-olds all glittered out - ick). Knowing your kind is half the battle and it comes from knowing yourself. There's no point in hanging out with people to whom you cannot relate, after all. I really think you've got it together in a hundred different ways. Just try to find that comfort zone, if you haven't already - peace (it comes and goes). You'll still get down in the dumps sometimes, but at least you can still enjoy the life you have. Honestly, that is how I dealt with my own "experiment." Do the things you like to do. When you're invited to a party, go. You are certainly political. Have you campaigned before? Gone to any of the Move On parties or other types of political gatherings? (They're fun.) Don't know if you'd enjoy that kind of thing, but if you do, it might be another way of getting out there. The companion thing will ultimately boil down to chance, timing, and being at the right place at the right time, but you can also have some fun (and it appears you already do that) and meet a lot of other interesting people, like yourself, along the way.

    In any event, hope you can get your spirits up because you're a good guy trying to play in a game that sucks, frankly. Hope you win it, Daniel - whatever that means for you, personally. Okay, I'll shut up now (probably much to your delight). :tape:

    BIGGDOGG New Member

    Jan 1, 2008
    2008 Prius
    Just be confident,
    I am newly single and I have no problem with girls. It's the redneck truckers that will make obscene comments about my car but I am not trying to date them so who cares...
  18. SSimon

    SSimon Active Member

    Feb 27, 2006
    N/W of Chicago
    2006 Prius
    I choose to wear jeans, hiking boots and sweat shirts and throw my hair in a pony tail. It's how I'm most comfortable. I loathe dressing up and wearing my business suits. It's a wonder I'm functional at all and living a happy, content life, isn't it?

    One's exterior appearance is usually only germaine to first impressions. After this, one's inner self is what will be lasting and relevant to the overall relationship. Ain't no way getting around this.
  19. Jack66

    Jack66 Kinda Jovial Member

    Jan 26, 2008
    Stafford, Virginia
    2008 Prius
    I feel the same as Pat. I don't think there is a single right answer that applies to everyone but worrying about my future wife never helped me. In my case, I gave my worries to God and felt a load fall off my shoulders after I truly let go (it took two tries). Whether God helped me or my own change in attitude showed people something different about me -- the effect was the same. Another side benefit of this approach -- I stopped keeping a list of "must haves" and trusted God to know better than I did. He was right and I was wrong.:)
  20. daniel

    daniel Cat Lovers Against the Bomb

    Feb 25, 2004
    Spokane, WA
    2004 Prius
    Women don't approach me.

    I don't like wearing uncomfortable clothes, and I much prefer to see a woman in comfortable clothes and a pony tail.
    Invited to a party??? I don't get invited to parties. Okay, when I lived in Fargo and a member of my church invited the whole church to a party, they invited me also. And I went. And usually felt slightly out of place.

    I'm not into electoral politics. I am a member of the local peace & justice group. I've met a few very nice women there. All married.

    A friend in Fargo ran for office and I was on her campaign committee and attended a couple of parties. Boy, did I ever feel out of place!

    I've gone back and forth between actively searching, and not trying at all. The only difference is that searching is more frustrating than just accepting the fact that girls don't like me. Not as a partner, anyway. I've always had a few married friends who like me very much.

    Back in Fargo I had a very good friend who was very happily married. Then she learned her husband was cheating on her and there was a very rancorous divorce. A couple of years later she had pulled herself together and begun dating. So I asked her out. We had always had lunch together a couple of times a year. But when she was herself looking again, she told me flat out: She liked me as a friend but never in a thousand years would she get involved with me. She was quite emphatic about it. And yet she liked me "as a person" more than any of my other friends. She admired my activism, my outlook, and my writing. She thought I was a wonderful person who would make "some woman" a fine husband. They all think I would make someone else a fine husband. I actually thought, when she started dating again, that she might be the one. Nobody else seemed to think as highly of me as she did. She even drove all the way across Minnesota on icy roads in bad weather in the middle of winter to visit me when I was in prison.

    And yet she put me down faster than anyone else ever had when I asked her out. She knew me better than anyone I had ever asked out knew me.

    I'm tired of this thread. I apologize for going off onto this pointless and depressing topic. Please go back to discussing whether or not the OP should buy a Prius. :focus: