I wish I lived there all the time, but, sadly, I don't. It is a shared family cabin in coastal Maine. My place in Rhode Island isn't nearly so "wild"! I do my best, though!
Decided to do a pie chart of the 40 responses so far. Apologies for my poor colour matching skills but trust me, it's a lot less confusing than leaving the default pie chart colours! [EDIT: Added the latest two votes for a new total of 42 responses and I tweaked the colours] Also ended up translating all the names for myself... for some reason Toyota Australia has given every single one a different name. Classic Silver Metallic ... Silver Pearl Summer Rain Metallic ... Aqua Blue Streak Metallic ... Tidal Blue Moonglow ... White Mist Super White ... Glacier White Habanero ... Sunrise Magnetic Gray Metallic ... Graphite Absolutely Red ... Cherry Black Sand Pearl ... Ink
Very nice job, Rob! I also find it odd that they would give the same colors different names in different markets.
I just learned today that Summer Rain Metallic was named after Summer Rayne Oakes, Eco-TV host, fashion model and fabric-sourcing entrepreneur. (For the info thanks to Prius CamperRead more: http://priuschat.com/threads/do-you-need-help-finding-prius-c-in-summer-rain.114752/#ixzz25f0lYWvi)
Thanks Rob! Oooooo...so habanero in the u.s., mandarin orange in Canada and sunrise in Australia for the "orange" - I kinda like "sunrise" out of that group! 'course, in the pacific northwest the name should have been "wild salmon."
Thanks guys. I've updated my previous post with a new chart taking into account the latest numbers, plus I tweaked the colours... but I realised while the 3D pie looks pretty, it's kind of misleading... here's the 2D version: [Updated to include current total of 44 responses] It's actually more diverse than I was expecting... with so much talk about Summer Rain, Blue Streak and Habanero I thought they would be dominating the graph. I certainly didn't expect Classic Silver Metallic to be top of the list.
That's awesome! Congratulations!!! I love my Summer Rain Metallic Have you voted yet? If not, we might have a tie with Classic Silver Metallic then =)
Done and done! I'm psyched! At the end of the month, going to throw on some Paint Protection and get Air Blue tinting (Toronto FormulaOne Tint Service : Auto-Links) done. Quote for doing the entire car and tinting: $1300.
I personally like the name Silver Pearl better than Classic Silver Metallic. I, for one, would appreciate you posting the Australian version (name) for the North American equivalents. Also, do you have any colors that we don't ? I am completely embarrassed ! One should read ALL previous posts before they post. My apologies to all Thank you Donald LaFavor
No problem. It was probably implied by my earlier post, but just to confirm: the colour range here is the same as in the US (apart from being named differently).
Another Summer Rain here. Love it!!! I've had my car since 8/13 and I have to say it's the perkiest color car in the parking lot at my work. Most are black, silver, maybe one or two white, and a navy or burgundy here or there. I had waited for it on order for 6 weeks and my sister kept teasing me, "Are you sure you don't want to hunt down a Moonglow?" She loved the color, and wanted to live vicariously though me. I have to say, I was tempted. The Moonglow is very nice.