BP because it's the best of all colors available (IMO) and it's the best color to deal with hot weather.
Barcelona Red (Wildfire). Was struggling to decide between Pearl White and Wildfire...then saw a red in person and knew I had to get that colour, it just fits this car so nicely. Do not regret it at all. The other reason I didn't go with the white is because there are so many white cars in Queensland, Australia...majority of the cars are black/silver/white, so I wanted something different. Also the local taxi company drives white gen 2 prii...didn't want any old woman confusing me for a taxi.
Blue, it was what they had in a V. and I loved the blue on blue toyota hood symbol. the dark grey interior is nice. we've had almost every color of blue in a toyota. they keep coming up with variations. also goes nicely with Penn State colors ! Too bad I cannot attach a Nittany Lion magnet to the car!!
I originally thought I would get it in silver since I have always liked silver cars but my wife said she'd disown me if I bought silver. A good husband always listens to his wife right? Then my daughter said she would disown me if I bought white. Then my son said he'd disown me if I bought blue. My wife's car is black so that was out... My old car was red so that was out... Winter Gray! I LOVE it.
Black! I have always wanted to have a Black car and at least this one has the solar roof to help with the very hot Atlanta summers! I love it when it shines when it is clean! I had the choice of black, gold, white, and red. I almost got the red, but I wish it was more maroon instead of the more orange tint that shows in the red.
Barcelona Red. I've had most all the other colors offered and wanted something different from colors I've had in the past. I like the BP but have a white Camry, and have other white cars. I think the Gen III looks GREAT in the BR. Both wife and I love the color now that we have it, especially with the Bisque interior. :first: Here's pics of the car, w/hand painted pin stripes, & tint. Flickr: lawnranger's Photostream
I quite like all the colors but chose silver because: I think that the visual integration of the lights is better in the silver It hides the dirt and there is some dirt on the car most of the time Its very visible in poor light (almost looks white) It reflects heat on hot days
How much hotter is a black car than a white car in the sun? This is a good site that expains your last post...also expains Tideland's name.
wha? what about my name?? I think more importantly, what's the interior colour of the car? a black interior vs. beige interior. See if that makes a difference. I will say though, that the type of glass makes a big difference. Ranking from hottest to coolest: 1. 2008 smart fortwo passion* 2. 2002 Camry XLE** 3. 2005 Prius 4. 2010 Prius*** *Equipped with panoramic polycarbonate moonroof w/ sunshade ** Equipped with moonroof w/sunshade & rear window sunshade ***Equipped with solar panel ventilation system Ext./Int. Colour (in same order as above): 1. Black-Silver/Black leather 2. Titanium Silver/Stone leather (light-medium grey) 3. Tideland/Black-Bisque cloth 4. Blue Ribbon Metallic/Dark Grey leather The difference? The smart didn't have HSEA (high solar energy absorbing) glass that the Toyotas did. Also the newer Toyotas had better heat-absorbing glass than the previous.
I chose Blizzard Pearl because I like the contrast with the solar roof and the white body/black top reminded of the gorgeous BMW convertible my friend drives.
I had originally ordered Blue Ribbon Metallic based on seeing that color in Detroit. However, I changed my order to Blizzard Pearl after looking at a Blue Ribbon Camry on the dealer's lot that had obvious swirl marks and an extremely visible thin layer of dust. They had a BP Highlander, which caught the showroom light just right - I was sold and grateful that I could change my color on the Prius Priority order at the last minute.
Silver was my first choice but the more I looked at the Blizzard Pearl, the more I liked it. When I decided to buy, there was only one Prius available and it happened to be BP! The trim color is bisque which also wasn't my first choice but it has also grown on me. I bought the car last July and was really concerned about the seats getting dirty but 7 months later and it still looks new.
Thanks for the link. It's an interesting read but I would hesitate before drawing any conclusions from it. Internal temperature measurements would have been a lot more meaningful and would be quite easy to make. I guess that they didn't have any suitable instruments to take them without opening the doors. It would also be interesting to see EMRT (effective mean radiant temperature) readings but that would be harder.
I'm guessing you pay for metallic colours (that the rest of us get for free.. or included in the price)?
Classic Silver. It was the cheapest one on the lot. Wanted one in Barcelona Red, but the wife and I couldn't justify paying an extra $350 for an illuminated door sill.
Winter grey (also called Blue Grey in Switzerland - Quarzgrau Metallic in Germany). It is sold as a blue tint in Germany - but it is in fact, as the dealer said, a dark grey metallic. Wanted black - but it was not metallic and did not like matt version of it. Only whites were visible on the roads at the time, and I don't like white in general. Silver, everybody has a silver Toyota in EU... Red and blue, simply too shiny... No other colors left, I am afraid. I am pleased with my color, but I do believe that the range available is a bit limited and other companies provide much nicer and cooler looking tones (as well as nice metallic black! )
Quarzgrau.. isn't that just Quartz Grey? There is a bluish tint to Winter Grey and the colour code shows. The first digit is the same digit as the blues. 8.