From Geico- 2004 Prius and 2003 Corolla, 100/200/50 plus Col & Comp. Total FOR BOTH 367.00 per 6 months, so about $184 each. (Both drivers no accs. no tixs). Used to have Nationwide and they were $525 for same cars, but lower liability.
Actually, I'm paying $342 with with $250 Collision deductible with Geico per six months. I often smile when I see those Nationwide commercials and how they can save me over $300 if I changed from Geico to them.... Steve
When comparing prices for insurance, you cannot make comparisons like this. It depends on where you live, daily commute, state mandatory regulations, etc. That said. I had Progressive for years. you know why they call them Progressive, because your rates progress upwards every 6 months! I wasn't paying much attention until last April. Got a rate quote from Liberty Mutual, and saved 40% You have to get your quotes locally as a comparison across the country is pretty much meaningless.
One more thing to add. It also depends on your driving history(tickets, accidents, claims) Your credit rating! Multiple car discounts(saves for me) Driver training(every 3 years, and Liberty Mutual paid for half the course cost) Bundling(Homeowners or other policies with the same company) What you need to do is take your current policy and go line by line with another company, then you can make a comparison. And some companies will always change something, so the comparison is not even. An agent, or broker, may quote you very high if he feels you are not looking around. And get any quotes in writing to make sure there are no suprises later. Many years ago allstate wrote me up, I changed to them, within a month I received a notice of cancellation. Of course, the law allows all policies to be pro-rated (at least in NY) so the largest portion of the premium covers the first couple months. It was an expensive lesson. So far so good with Liberty Mutual, they even came to my house(25 miles) to take pictures of the Prius. I did not have to go to them.
next time you think you are paying too much for insurance, check this out... Least Expensive Cars to Insure