What am I doing wrong? -- Treo 650 Help!!!

Discussion in 'Gen 2 Prius Audio and Electronics' started by tamden, Apr 8, 2005.

  1. ltu1542hvy

    ltu1542hvy New Member

    Nov 10, 2004
    Cotonou, Benin
    Other Non-Hybrid
    Hi Todd,

    After I posted my instructions the other day I started having a similar problem. I then took another look at my Bluetooth configuration on my Treo and made one change. In the Bluetooth applet, mash the menu key and under Options change it to where it reads "Do not allow wakeup." With it set to that my Prius consistently recognizes the Treo when I get in the car, and over lunch I made it a point to make several calls initiated via the MFD and afterwards I had a friend call me, and it worked like a charm.

    - Bill
  2. Todd

    Todd New Member

    Apr 22, 2005
    Silver Spring, MD

    Thanks for your response. Tried what you suggested, but it didn't work. The only time the BT link works is when I go through the BT setup process all over again, then follow your earlier instructions. It only works that first time, then shuts down. Obviously, this is not the way it's supposed to work.

    Interestingly, when I start my car and my Treo, the car will tell me the link was successfully established, but I cannot make or receive calls through the car. I also cannot upload my Treo phonebook into the cars memory.

    Any other thoughts?
  3. WeHoPriusGuy

    WeHoPriusGuy New Member

    Mar 31, 2005
    West Hollywood, CA.
    I have a t-mobile blackberry 7100, and when I tried to setup the bluetooth connection initially with the prius "handsfree" selection it wouldn't work. I then had the prius choose the "bluetooth" connection. I also made sure that my blackberry always "trusted" the prius connection and always had encryption "enabled."

    It has worked everytime since.

    hope this helps.
  4. ltu1542hvy

    ltu1542hvy New Member

    Nov 10, 2004
    Cotonou, Benin
    Other Non-Hybrid
    Hi Todd,

    Make sure you have the latest firmware update (1.08, IIRC). Go to PalmOne's support site and double-check to make sure. The problem you describe sounds very similar to what people were reporting prior to when the "carkit update" came out, which is included in the latest firmware update. If, after you have verified that you do have the latest update, it is still not working, then I would suspect that you have a defective unit.

    hope this helps,
  5. Todd

    Todd New Member

    Apr 22, 2005
    Silver Spring, MD

    I flashed the firmware with 1.08 last week. It has not been helpful. Interestingly, I used the Bluetooth tonight for two outgoing phone calls, both which I intiated soon after I started the car before each call. I also experienced the dropped call event when another call came in through call waiting.

    A couple of interesting points. Fist, Palm One calims Toyota is at fault...somehow, I see this as the beginning of each side not taking responsibility for the interface disconnect.

    Second, there is another thread on this site ( http://priuschat.com/forums/4-vt5299.html?...r=asc&&start=60 ) that also addresses this issue and it seems the problems I'm experiencing are very common, even with the firmware upgrade (and Acura TL owners have the problem, as well).

    Further, given that both Toyota and PalmOne claim the upgrade is not Toyota compatible, it seems the upgrade is not the solution for this interface. It also stands to reason that the device is not a defective unit. Some people have written on the thread that the interface problem is known and that it will be addressed, although when that will be is currently an open question. I would imagine that a fairly large number of Treo owners also own Toyotas, so I would hope that thill will incentivize Palm, and Toyota to come up with a patch quickly. In the meantime, I'm inclined to buy a BT headset and solve my immediate challenge to "loose the wire" from my current headet.

    If you (or anybody else) have other thougfhts, I'm all ears (and eyes!).

    Bill, thanks again for your help.

  6. jrfaris

    jrfaris Member

    Feb 25, 2004
    Windward Oahu
    2007 Prius
    Sorry you have been struggling with this for so long. I was out of the country for a week and am just now getting back to PC. As I indicated in my initial posts under this thread, our Sprint Treo 650 works consistently with our Prius. When we returned home today & started CarMyne up, it paired with the 650 almost immediately. The only problems I'm aware of are that the signal strength does not show on the MFD and the incoming calls will drop on-going calls if call waiting is not disabled.

    These are my Bluetooth settings on the Treo:
    Bluetooth: ON
    Device Name: our ID
    Discoverable: No

    When you press Menu in Bluetooth:
    Disable device name cache
    Do not allow wakeup
    About Bluetooth Manager

    I must admit that this menu is confusing to me as I don't believe it refers to the current state of the phone but instead indicates what the state will be if you tap the menu item. I initially had allow wakeup displayed and the Treo would not pair if it was powered down. I have not found that any other phone settings make a difference.

    With regard to the Car Kit update (included with 1.08 ) PalmOne does indicate that it may be useful with other vehicles, which many have found to be the case with Prius. Since your single call problem sounds so similar to what folks were reporting before the update was issued, it may be worth trying the update again. Just in case there was a problem with the install last week. Anyway, I wish you luck. We are very satisfied with both our Prius & Treo 650 working together.
  7. ltu1542hvy

    ltu1542hvy New Member

    Nov 10, 2004
    Cotonou, Benin
    Other Non-Hybrid
    I second everything that jrfaris just said. It matches 100% my experience, and I couldn't have said it better myself.

    - Bill
  8. Todd

    Todd New Member

    Apr 22, 2005
    Silver Spring, MD
    Thanks, jr and Bill...I'll keep working on this and post a note when I'm successful, which I hope will be soon.

  9. mrtom

    mrtom New Member

    Nov 6, 2004
    Cingular Treo 650

    <div class='quotetop'>QUOTE(Todd\";p=\"85469)</div>
    I switched to Cingular and got a Treo 650 on Monday. It wasn't clear whether it came with Palm's updated carkit installed or not, so I installed it myself. I was able to pair the 650 with the Prius with little difficulty, once I found the hint here about placing a call from the Treo when the Prius hangs durig discovery. I have made and placed calls from the Prius and it works reasonably well.

    <update: Actually, PalmOne's site says the carkit does need to be installed on Cingular 650s:

    As others have noted, the signal strength bars do not display. Also, noticed some issues with the call log: the outgoing call log only lists calls initiated from the Prius, not from the Treo (probably working as designed), and the incoming call log is blank. I had the Treo set to answer calls on the handsfree immediately, which may be the cause of that; I just changed it to let it ring twice before answering.

    I tried transfering a few numbers to the car and had no problems as long as the entries contained only one phone number and were formatted with nothing other than digits and hyphens "-". (Others have reported that hyphens must be stripped out, but I didn't find that to be true.)

    Unfortunately, Cingular's service where I live is marginal; I had hoped the AT&T merger would have improved things, but apparently not. Equally unfortunately, the only carriers with reasonable coverage around here are Verizon and possibly Sprint. Verizon has ticked me off less than Sprint has, so I'm in the process of switching back to them. I wil try their version of the 650 when it's available in the next week or so and see how badly they've crippled it.
  10. Todd

    Todd New Member

    Apr 22, 2005
    Silver Spring, MD
    Greetings everybody,

    Well I finally threw in the towel trying to get my 650 and my Prius to "mate." As a result, I purchased a Treo Bluetooth headset set.

    I was only able to make one call from my car on each drive, and that would only occur if I made a call right after the Prius discovered my phone, or if I was talking on my phone from outside, entered and started my car. That was even more disconcerting, as there would be a gap in my conversation during the linking process. In both cases, once the call was terminated, I could not make or receive calls through the Prius Bluetooth until I turned off the car and had the phnoe and the car relink.

    I decided my time was much more valuable than investing my time in what seemed to an exercise in futility. The Bluetooth headset (which I purchased on Ebay for over $20.00 less (including shipping) than the PalmOne website) has been outstanding. Although I have had an occasional glitch with it connecting, it answers the phone without my having to interact with the handset, the device is almost completely unobtrusive to me (although people who see me talking think I'm talking to myself!), and I have the added benefit of privacy during my conversation, something I lacked during the few times the Prius Bluetooth actually worked. The distant part also hears my conversation better than through the Prius speaker system.

    So for all those still struggling to get this to work, my recommendation is to quit and buy a Bluetooth headset (go on Ebay...the savings are significant)...you'll save yourself a bunch of frustration and have some added benefits the Prius Bluetooth does not offer.

    Thanks again for everybody's help!

  11. mike_mccracker

    mike_mccracker New Member

    May 17, 2005
    Hmm, that is dissapointing.

    My Sprint Treo 650 continues to work fine, with the exception of the known call-waiting dropped call problem.

    One interesting note, last night I was pulling back into the garage after a trip out without my phone. My phone was charging in the 2nd floor bedroom, at least 30' from the car. I got a 'bluetooth connection successful' message before I'd gotten halfway into the garage. Just for kicks I made a call, it worked (!)
  12. jrfaris

    jrfaris Member

    Feb 25, 2004
    Windward Oahu
    2007 Prius
    I noticed the same thing. My wife's 650 can be in her purse on the kitchen counter (about 25 feet away). The Prius will pair with it when I start the car. I don't have a Treo yet but will get one soon because it is so nice to have phone and PDA combined. It even plays MP3s. Too bad Todd was not able to get his Treo to pair but the bluetooth headset is a good alternative.
  13. colin1

    colin1 New Member

    Mar 8, 2005
    Hi everyone,

    I have successfully paired my new Treo 650 from Cingular with my 2005 Prius.

    Here's a quick overview of the steps I followed:

    1. First, make sure your Treo 650 is OFF (not connected to the Cingular network).

    2. In the Treo Bluetooth Manager, I set "Discoverable" to NO.

    3. Under "Prefs" , "Handsfree" I set "Auto answer" to "After 2 rings."

    4. In the Cingular Treo 650 there is no "Auto wakeup" picklist - it doesn't matter in the pairing sequence.

    5. Now, setup the Prius by following the instructions beginning on page 110 of the Navigation System Owner's Manual.

    6. When the Prius displays "Begin Bluetooth discovery/search from phone....." and displays the Passkey, with the Treo 650 STILL disconnected from the Cingular network, go to the Bluetooth Manager and select "Setup Devices."

    7. Select "Hands-free Setup" and then click "Next."

    8. Select "Nearby Devices" in the "Show" picklist.

    9. The Treo will display "Hands Free" and the Prius will still display the same screen - DON'T press CANCEL.

    10 Press OK on the Treo to complete the Bluetooth pairing.

    11. Now, turn on the Treo 650 and make a call to any number.

    12 The Prius display will then indicate "connected."

    That's it. Hope this helps.
  14. scwolfe

    scwolfe New Member

    Mar 5, 2005
    Well, I just got the Treo 650 last week, even after reading all of the problems here on this thread with it interacting with the Prius. The main reason for getting it was for the PDA and Phone combo, Bluetooth being also an important factor. Well I tried to sync it just a little while ago with the Prius, got stuck at that MFD screen which waits for the two devices to sync with each other. Reread this thread, and saw the main key to it all. IGNORE the fact that the Prius says it does not see the Treo 650! and make a call from the Treo 650. It worked! However a little funky. I need to document all of the following problems that I had, but it did work for outgoing originated from the MFD. I have not tried anything else as of yet. But here is an initial list of problems: (Note: I have not as of yet downloaded the carkit, does anyone know how to see what you have already on the Treo 650?)

    - First call told me that my Audio system was off! I had to turn on the Audio system to make it work, more experimenting on that to come.
    - I dial a line I knew would be busy, and I got the busy tone, then the MFD said that the network terminated, no big deal, however, it left my Treo 650 connected, which timed out eventually, But also it left the screen on the Treo 650 that asks if you want to Redial or Hangup displayed.

    I will put together a complete report on this once I have gone thru all of the variations, and after I have downloaded the carkit and updated the Treo 650 with it.

    By the way, my Treo 650 is the Cingular version.

  15. scwolfe

    scwolfe New Member

    Mar 5, 2005
    Okay all, I have my bluetooth working perfectly with the Treo 650 Cingular.
    1) You must download the new carkit from the Palm site
    2) Follow instructions given here, and ignore the fact that the Prius says it is not connected yet, DO NOT PUSH the CANCEL, just make a call from your phone.
    3) Now here is the really important part, as this still leaves the phone and Prius in a mode when it sort of works. Turn off the Prius, and turn it back on. Go to the phone settings screen and go to the "Telephone Selection" option and "Select" the phone device to connect to, and ask the Prius to connect to your Treo 650.

    Once I did this, it was complete, I now go into the Prius, turn on the car and the car says it was connected to the bluetooth phone. The phone works perfectly with the Prius. I believe this final connection aspect, stated in item 3 above is crucial!

    I had only one problem with this, When I left the car on, and walk away far enough for the phone not to be able to communicate with the Prius, when I came back in it did not work properly again. I had to redo the whole initialization "items 2 and 3", to get it to work again. So I do not walk away from the car when it is on, I always turn it off. So life is now good with my Prius and Treo 650 Cingular.

    Hope this helps someone.
  16. tcube64

    tcube64 New Member

    Aug 7, 2005
    So given all that is being said here, would you recommend that I purchase a Cingular Treo 650 to go with my 2005 Prius? It is the only international option, but I would really like to use it with my car. Thanks for your advice.
  17. David

    David Member

    Dec 16, 2003
    Vero Beach, Florida
    2012 Prius v wagon
    I'm very happy with my Cingular Treo 650 and the BT in my Prius. Yes there are a couple of issues but it works well at speeds below about 60. Over 60 there is just too much road and wind noise. When I know I have a lot of highway driving to do I simply plug in my wired headset.

    The Treo also worked well in Europe. Just call Cingular a week in advance and have them activate the codes for the countries you'll be visiting.

    The new firmware update for the Treo from Palm has made the sound much better than it was before the update. Check the version if you buy the phone. You can find more details at www.mytreo.com

    Good luck.
  18. michalopoulosgk

    michalopoulosgk New Member

    May 26, 2005
    Happy to hear that all successes in pairing Treo 650 with Prius are with Treo from Cingular and Sprint. Has anybody, however, been able to pair Prius with Treo 650 from Verizon? I am debating whether to buy a Verizon Treo 650 or a Samsung i730. I have tried every low tech contraption available to use a speaker phone in the Prius and the voice tends to become garbled. How is the quality of the buetooth pairing? Is the voice clear (sending and receiving)? Does anybody have experience with a Bluetooth headset or speaker phone as a comparable alternative?
  19. densaer

    densaer New Member

    Jan 2, 2005
    San Jose, CA
    scwolfe -

    I can confirm that your method worked with my 05 Prius and Cingular Treo 650. Thanks for the help!

  20. scwolfe

    scwolfe New Member

    Mar 5, 2005
    Yes, I recommend it, even though every once in a while it will not connect, like once a month it fails, but then goes on as if that never happened. Do setup the 1-touch directory, that will help you immensely. I setup a special category just for this, as you will need to use short names to know which is which, and you can not have any dashes or spaces in the phone numbers, else the transfer will not work right.

    One funny thing though, I do think Toyota went too far with this MFD in that when the car is moving "forward", the 1-touch display removes the phone numbers, not the names, from the display so you can not read the numbers while the car is moving, when it stops, the numbers reappear. I guess they think this too is a safety feature, as in not being able to put in an address on the GPS system! I think they have gone too far. However, I also noticed, that they do not think it is a safety issue if you are moving in reverse!!!!!, as you can dial, put in addresses and read the phone numbers in 1-touch if you are moving backwards!!! <GRIN>, I guess they slipped up on that one.